Yeti GOBOX Collection

POW Gear list

I lived in SEAK for quite a few years , its the only place ive ever worn raingear under my raingear....

I was packing last night and was like... would it be weird to bring my gortex paclite to wear under my grundens...
Page 34 of the AK regs...

edible meat -

big game (except bear): the meat of the ribs, neck, brisket, front quarters as far as the distal joint of the radius-ulna (knee), hindquarters as far as the distal joint of the tibia-fibula (hock), and the meat along the backbone between the front and hindquarters;

bear: the meat of the front quarters and hindquarters and meat along the backbone (backstrap);

After May 31st, no requirement.
And after reading more of this thread, I've realized there is an echo in the building! Apologies for reposting what has already been stated. Best of luck on your hunt!
My locking tag came in the mail today. My uncle also called and said he hurt his back at work, so he's not going. Looks like it's just going to be me and the bears (hopefully).
My locking tag came in the mail today. My uncle also called and said he hurt his back at work, so he's not going. Looks like it's just going to be me and the bears (hopefully).

Sorry about your uncle... I’ve started to just plan all my trips as solo hunts, and then invite people because it seems like stuff always happens.

Good luck out there.
Sorry about your uncle... I’ve started to just plan all my trips as solo hunts, and then invite people because it seems like stuff always happens.

Good luck out there.

When it comes to planning hunts, there buddies who "want" to go along and buddies who "will" go with. Its sometimes a problem determining which is which.

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