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@muskeg Having not had a bad bear, is it something you notice right off the bat? For instance if I cook up a piece of meat in camp will I pretty much be able to tell then and their how palatable it's going to be?
Well ... I would say that the worms are pretty visible .. but that doesn't make it inedible ... just kinda of unappetizing .. just cook it well done. But they all have tape worm.

As far as being fishy rank, you can usually tell by the smell test of the fresh meat. But I have a friend out of Ketchikan that it passed the smell test so he had some worked up by a butcher ... roasts & grind. The first time he tried to cook some burger the bad smell of the cooking meat drove em out of the house and he even had to air it out.

Meat salvage was never required in SE Alaska until the Bear baiting (mainly by non-resident hunters) became an issue and hot topic. The SE Bear hunt was always considered a trophy hunt, similar to the Brown Bear hunt.

You probably remember when baiting & hounds came under attack in the west. Alaska was on the hit list, as was Cali, Or & Wa.

So the Board of Game decided in order to keep baiting rules in place some salvage should be in place to mitigate the attack on the baiting rules. Even when meat salvage was not required about 25% of the bears taken had some meat salvaged. So some locals do hunt bear for meat ... but they usually take young or even smaller sows. Not the big old boars that the trophy hunter takes. So after much debate the bear meat salvage rules were made up. Different than the 'salvage for human consumption' rule that have always been on the books.
You probably remember when baiting & hounds came under attack in the west. Alaska was on the hit list, as was Cali, Or & Wa.

Yeah CO lost it's spring season/dogs/baiting

I did wonder when reading the regs why the salvage requirements didn't include brisket, tenderloins, etc. basically wasn't synced up with the regs for other animals.
If I had my choice, I'd rather shoot a spring bear after June 1 so there is no need to salvage. I'm all about taking care of meat, but come on, if I see worms crawling around in a T-Bone, it's going in the trash let alone bear meat.

@muskeg I never knew it was "get it from the field type salvage only" and not consumption. Interesting to say the least. I've always chatted with a few locals prior to hunting to see if they want the meat. If so, just like elk, or deer, the meat is taken care of.

Clock is ticking, won't be long now. Getting pretty excited.
Hunting reg book ....

Page 24 .....
"Salvage for black bears Meat: In all areas of the state during Jan 1-May 31, edible meat must be salvaged and removed from the field. This meat may not be used for pet food or bait."

Page 34 .....
"edible meat - big game (except bear): the meat of the ribs, neck, brisket, front quarters as far as the distal joint of the radius-ulna (knee), hindquarters as far as the distal joint of the tibia-fibula (hock), and the meat along the backbone between the front and hindquarters;

bear: the meat of the front quarters and hindquarters and meat along the backbone (backstrap)"

Another rule to remember .. when meat is req salvaged you must bring the meat out before (or at the same time) as the skull & hide. That is the rule for all big game in Alaska and there is no exception for Black Bear.

Also Black Bear carcasses really do not go to waste. Eagles, Ravens, Mink & Martin are all hungry in spring. If the Wolf finds it it will be gone in no time. Other Black Bear will also feed on the carcass. That is not the case with Brown Bear carcasses, usually nothing goes near them for days. Brown Bear meat is generally considered not edible and salvage is not req unless you are hunting under 'subsistence' rules.
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@ wllm1313 .... I suggest you give ADF&G or ADF&W a call to see the latest interpretation of the Black Bear meat salvage rules.
I read the same today and feel that salvage means just that salvage.

Here is an interesting one..... bait station and distances. Does a floating house in SE AK still fall under the rules? I mean they’re in the water. Much different than a physical structure on land there bears would get into.
Thanks Muskeg, I know you know that place like the back of your hand.

The floating cabin thing is a real eye opener, it’s easy to see the big ticket items like trails, FS cabins, and roads, but imagine cruising some bays and you just pop into one you never go to and bang, float house. Those could be a real “got you”. A mile on that island could be as good as 10 in some places.
@ Coveyleader... yes that is a strange rule. I only used a bait stand a few times and only when I had a disabled hunter. There is a USFS lab / cabin float house in 12 Mile Arm that sometimes goes a season or more without any one even there. Even when they are there it is only for short periods of time. I asked the Troopers if that would fall under the 1 mile rule as I wanted to put a bait across the bay just under a mile away. They said that the 1 mile rule would even apply to that cabin .... the hard one is that you must be 1/4 mile from the nearest road or trail. Old logging roads that are even grown over are considered (or were) a 'trail'. In many areas you cannot get 1/4 GPS mile from an old logging road before your within the distance of another old road bed.

And I agree sometimes 10 feet can be a long way on the Island.
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Hey all,
A bunch of us drew POW tags. I think all 3 others have been multiple times but this is my first. I'm sure we'll start talking logistics like location and dates and gear needs in the coming months however I'm stuck at home with a bum leg so I need something to occupy my time. I have the standard gear but I think I'm lacking AK Essentials.

Anyone have a list of gear essentials for POW Spring especially clever "ah-ha" items?

I live here in Southern South East Alaska, and the guys that are telling you the HH or Grudgens rubber rain gear are not kidding at all. It can rain for weeks and 1 to 3 inches a day is not uncommon, and up to 7 inches in a day is not unheard of. May 10th as a general rule of thumb for bear, and may can be a hot month around here. Id be ready for both, but thats just me.
@ Coveyleader... yes that is a strange rule. I only used a bait stand a few times and only when I had a disabled hunter. There is a USFS lab / cabin float house in 12 Mile Arm that sometimes goes a season or more without any one even there. Even when they are there it is only for short periods of time. I asked the Troopers if that would fall under the 1 mile rule as I wanted to put a bait across the bay just under a mile away. They said that the 1 mile rule would even apply to that cabin .... the hard one is that you must be 1/4 mile from the nearest road or trail. Old logging roads that are even grown over are considered (or were) a 'trail'. In many areas you cannot get 1/4 GPS mile from an old logging road before your within the distance of another old road bed.

And I agree sometimes 10 feet can be a long way on the Island.

On the "inhabited dwelling" rule (according to the bear baiting class I attended) even outhouse buildings are considered to be inhabited dwellings, by the troopers.
I just found it strange we had no clue that the floating house was back in some cove. Only reason I went in was it was calm. Normally water too big for my liking and what do you know someone’s Castle.

Baiting has its challenges. They’ve slacked off a bit on permits, it used to be a nightmare. I guess the draw minimized some of the issues.
Can’t say I’ve ever seen one. Most grouse normally come out to the roads early and late but yet I can’t recall seeing one on POW.

Wouldn’t be an “extra” I’d carry along.
Make sure you have rust proofed everything you can and stop on top of keeping it clean so it doesn't all rust. Good gloves that are devils club resistant, and the best rain gear you can afford.
I lived in SEAK for quite a few years , its the only place ive ever worn raingear under my raingear....

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