
Potential SCOTUS Nomimee

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Either way, she has reached a age and time in her career that it is time that she move on and get out of the way.

While I am not a fan of term limits (for reasons discussed in other posts), I very much think all three branches should have a mandatory retirement age. I am not saying the elderly can't contribute, but everyone has their time and their season and ruling a 335 million person country with a 15 trillion dollar economy and thousands of nuclear weapons is probably not best left to the hope that 75-year-old grandpappy/grandma is not yet showing a little cognitive impairment. I would definitely support a 70 yr old mandatory retirement age for all members of Congress, all members of the Supreme Court, the President and Vice President, and all Cabinet positions.
My point is that these leaders did not arise in a vacuum - they are mirroring the will of the voters. We need to stop blaming them and look in the mirror. We are why the system is broken, not them. They just take masterful advantage of it.

I agree... Unfortunately, I believe that people don't get involved as they used to. Some seem to accept the corruption and even support it to achieve their wants. Some act out of hate for someone rather than disliking someone but supporting them because they are getting stuff done. We will never be completely satisfied with the one person (The American Way), but we should accept when they are meeting our expectations in the areas that we are concerned about. This means getting involved to understand what is going on and how it effects the country, not just them. Many don't even know what they are supporting and just follow what they are told and a crowd.
Noharleyyet stole my argument, my thunder, and my witty reply in his response (s ) to Vikingsguy:(

OR, he could simply be a bit faster on his feet than I

Either way or both ways----I am in agree with NoHarley yet and am disagreeing with Vikingsguy ! ;)

She ( Pelosi has not just lost a step, or two, she is an embarrassment to our great country and has brought shame and dishonor upon the position that she currently holds. IMHO )

I predict that regardless of who wins the Presidential election or who wins the House, she will not be the Speaker in 2021 ( or could this be just wishful thinking )

Losing Sanity, makes a good point ! No one can deny what "she once was ( smart and crafty ) or has accomplished". But IMHO she is not THAT woman today

I nominate Randy for President, Noharleyyet for Senate majority leader and Vikingguy as Speaker of the House o_O Losing Sanity did you want one of these positions ?;)
I agree... Unfortunately, I believe that people don't get involved as they used to. Some seem to accept the corruption and even support it to achieve their wants. Some act out of hate for someone rather than disliking someone but supporting them because they are getting stuff done. We will never be completely satisfied with the one person (The American Way), but we should accept when they are meeting our expectations in the areas that we are concerned about. This means getting involved to understand what is going on and how it effects the country, not just them. Many don't even know what they are supporting and just follow what they are told and a crowd.
Ezra Klein's, "Why We Are Polarized" is worth a read for all. If the reader sets aside for a minute his obvious political bias, it does a very good job of articulating some reasons for how we got where we are. One take away for me -- people derive personal value from aligning with a group and separating from "the other". The more people choose for that group identity to be a political party (or overtly political issues like Roe or Heller) rather than something less overtly political like a being a husband/wife, a homeowner, a sports fan, a school alumnus, a parent, a writer, a coach, a public lands hunter, a Christian, a woodworker, etc, etc, the more we set up the hyper-toxic political system. It would be nice to say we just need to embrace the "other", but human psychology and history suggest this is unlikely. Rather we need to quit defining ourselves by our political positions and reconnect to all those other areas of our life and set our self-worth and self-esteem aligned with that, and view politics as a more utilitarian part of life, not a self-identifying, self-affirming part.
I predict that regardless of who wins the Presidential election or who wins the House, she will not be the Speaker in 2021 ( or could this be just wishful thinking )

Be careful what you wish for, if she is not the speaker in 2021 (but I believe she will be) it will be because AOC has the power to pick a replacement, not because someone more accomodating is in the role.
Your unknown? :ROFLMAO::LOL:

My job sucks! So when you get wealthy and need someone to shine your shoes and wipe your brow, my offer stands.
Sadly wealthy is not in the cards - had too much fun living life and raising three kids to have focused on that, but the anonymity part was easy ;)
whats scary to me is I bet more guys or the frequent posters on this board would rather share a camp with Hunter Biden than Don Jr. Now don't say its because of their taste for coke and hookers. Its political
Why does it "scare" you? My family is largely right, my in-laws are largely left, my high school and college friends are largely right, my professional friends are largely left, my wife and I usually cancel out each other's votes and I cherish them ALL. (well maybe a little less my mother-in-law :) )
whats scary to me is I bet more guys or the frequent posters on this board would rather share a camp with Hunter Biden than Don Jr. Now don't say its because of their taste for coke and hookers. Its political

Bro, gotta interview folks before you share a camp...

1. Do you like eating furry animals?
2. Death marches pro or against?
3. Spreadsheets?
4. How would you rate Utahns on a scale of steal all our antlers to wound all our elk?
5. Do you have a dog?
A.Does it shit in camp?
B. Tendency to spill Whisky?
6. Do people think you are funny?
7. Tendency to vigorously defend your father, and whine about how maligned you are?
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In my opinion, term limits in legislative bodies just further empower the lobbyists, staffers, pundits and agencies -- from my time lobbying I do not view this as a good thing - they have power enough as it is.
I agree, but it happens now anyway, so any argument that is based on it happening the same or more falls a little flat. I don’t think you can tell people where they can or can’t work after leaving public office. That’s a slippery slope. You need to take the money out of politics to get rid of lobbists (and not sure that will do it). How about government funded elections. Each candidate gets a set amount. Make PACs illegal. More debates on material issues and less USPS mailings and yard signs.
Just to be clear, for some "defund" does mean no armed police officers at all. This was clearly and unambiguously stated by a number of city council members in Minneapolis. And of course, as you say there are others who use it as a term to refer to shifting/balancing funds between traditional policing and more social services. I think in general it is at best an ambiguous term.
For some. But we shouldn’t define ambiguous phrases by the fringes of the group. When police received surplus military equipment years ago there was a big debate about it making the police more like the military and less connected with those in the societies they worked. I guess that debate is settled.
That is a very thoughtful and sourced post. Just curious as what you believe are McConnell's ultimate political goals. What would he do if he had ultimate, unchecked power?

I think that is a good question and a bit difficult to answer. I think the easy thing to say is that ultimately what McConnell cares the most about is confirming conservative judges. The republicans have spent a lot of time the last four years confirming judges, which makes both the social conservative and economic conservative wings of the party happy. You could obviously say he likes tax cuts, but that is really hard to untangle from the desires of the donor class. I remember in late 2017 when they were working to pass the tax cut that the reporting indicated that the GOP Senators were much more unified in passing a tax cut than in repealing the ACA. This was because if they didn't pass a tax cut then money to their reelection campaigns would dry up. So it is hard for me to say if McConnell really cares about lower taxes or if he is just pragmatic and realizes that passing tax cuts is the best way for him to maintain power.
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