Potential SCOTUS Nomimee

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Has Vikingguy left yet on his hunting trip ? Has April set sail ? Is Wilm1313 still following this thread ? SAJ-99 , 3855Win, wildebeast and a couple others will hopefully be along to save me from myself
I'm tapping out, too. It has digressed multiple times (mea culpa) and became an echo chamber devoid of legit discussion, and I really don't want to Google search all day to figure what the heck people are talking about.
I'm tapping out, too.

Just as I did when Kavanaugh and Gorsuch were up for confirmation, I'll write my senators and ask them to put aside political bias and evaluate solely on the merits of the candidate. I don't care is Barrett is Catholic. I care she can provide judicial evaluation on an impartial basis, without trying to impart religious bias.

Elections do have consequences, and I don't fault Trump for appointing a SCOTUS nominee. The mental gymnastics used to justify this vs. Merrick Garland's situation are embarrassing at best. So are the mental gymnastics being used to justify postponing until after the election. Court nominations shouldn't be made with a legislative agenda. Trump's comments about being disappointed n his nominees tells me he's doing exactly that. It's wrong. Pure and simple. Separation of powers is crucial to our government.

More and more I feel pragmatism is dead, and we as a nation are f$#ked.

Edited for @norharleyyet
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Howard Marshall recognized a great mind when he saw one ;)

Randi all I can tell you is at my age I have subscribed to " Judge not lest ye be judged" as I am so close to meeting my maker (years wise ), that I find I am a lot less judgmental than I was when I was your age. Having said that, you are not wrong to "think", "have opinions" and to "express them" BUT always keep your ears and mind open, as many times you will find you were wrong, And wrong isn't always 100% one way or another but can be in degrees.
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