Potential SCOTUS Nomimee

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Yeah, I think I have a decent understanding how taxes work and where they come from, but thank you for the explanation.

Let’s put it this way, my reduction in federal tax burden was a fraction of what the POTUS allegedly paid in 16-17.

Sorry, I was kind of being a smart ass...

But why didn't you jump Trial153's ass. He was better at it than I was... :LOL:

Your taxes are lower? I didnt know you started managing hedge funds? Congrats on the new job!!
Most of whom? Leftists who believe that the government determines whether or not they are successful in life?
I am so confused by the premise of this comment. Have you been paying attention over the last 6 months to the handouts given to basically anyone and everyone? There is no personal responsibility. Its BS. He just announced (sent? not sure. Promises are free) $15B to farmers for "coronavirus relief". I think SCOTUS would say it is illegal to stand at the voting place and hand out hundred dollar bills, but this is essentially an paying for votes. I agree both sides do it, but at least you can try to hide it to retain some self respect. ;)
You guys are good fun! Want to talk taxes on this thread? How about the supreme court and the ACA tax? Might keep this thread within the sector stakes.
I dont understand why these get locked. I'm not really computer world savvy, but I do appreciate a place to vent some politics and ideas with folks from the "other side" who still hold my values, at least when it comes to hunting and the outdoors.

I’m trying to sort that out. The guys who told me about this site weren’t very flattering about it. They claim there is a core group of members here who act as de facto gate keepers of opinions. Apparently if your views differ from this group you’re singled out, criticized, ostracized, insulted then eventually banned by hidden consensus. Kind of a hunt talk cancel culture they claimed. Thou shalt have no opinions but Ours! I’m like really, a hunting site? Seems to be the way of our world today. I’m hoping they were wrong but I’m investigating that claim.
I’m trying to sort that out. The guys who told me about this site weren’t very flattering about it. They claim there is a core group of members here who act as de facto gate keepers of opinions. Apparently if your views differ from this group you’re singled out, criticized, ostracized, insulted then eventually banned by hidden consensus. Kind of a hunt talk cancel culture they claimed. Thou shalt have no opinions but Ours! I’m like really, a hunting site? Seems to be the way of our world today. I’m hoping they were wrong but I’m investigating that claim.
Well what do ya know! Singled out already.

Seeking confirmation bias?
I am so confused by the premise of this comment. Have you been paying attention over the last 6 months to the handouts given to basically anyone and everyone? There is no personal responsibility. Its BS. He just announced (sent? not sure. Promises are free) $15B to farmers for "coronavirus relief". I think SCOTUS would say it is illegal to stand at the voting place and hand out hundred dollar bills, but this is essentially an paying for votes. I agree both sides do it, but at least you can try to hide it to retain some self respect. ;)
Pandering with our tax dollars is a way of life for a lot of politicians, but I wouldnt consider your example as buying votes. I'm a little more concerned with Pelosi holding up relief for average Americans by demanding ridiculous social "justice" requirements are included in the relief bill. Maybe term limits will someday be a supreme court issue? As Biden said at the "debate", in sha Allah. Not that he had an internal poll suggesting the Muslim vote in Minnesota could be key to winning the state. Maybe the folks that were just caught on tape ballot harvesting and buying ballots, that were working for illhan omar, had the same information? I guess there are cheaper and easier ways to pander for votes that are also a lot more significant than keeping our country fed by providing relief to our farmers and ranchers. 1601661304972.png
I am heading west in a few hours. I won't care about scotus or potus just enjoying the time with friends and family and the desert and the mountains.
That’s what we all need to do, go enjoy your life. No minds will be changed because of what anyone says on this site, or anywhere else.

Go enjoy our Public Lands
. Of course, Kamala will help out with the skills she has learned in getting to where she is today. :LOL:
And those who have attempted to point this out or even mention it have been crucified by those whom make a living (politicians, newspapers, cable personalities, comedians, celebrities ) pointing out everything Trump has done and said in his life in regards to women. What Harris did was blatantly obvious at the time, ( according to what I have read, my grandmother and other older females I have ask ) but it was in the past, so it is not something that should even be mentioned today. But whatever Trump did or said about women in the past is repeated over and over and over again. It has been suggested on more than one occasion that Melania is "just" a gold digger. But Harris was "just working her way to the top in the only way she knew how, at that time, and should not now be criticized for it" --not my words but words from celebrities and news commentators.

I have heard the saying "what is good for the goose is also good for the gander" Would it or is it not fair to say "what is good for the gander is also good for the goose" Or would that make me "sexist"

I have been criticized for not staying quiet about these types of hypocrisies and told I am to young to understand. Maybe. But when a women provides sex for money there is a name for that. But when she provided sex for advancement, it was simply using all the tools at her disposable to get ahead in life. I disagree. She sold herself, in my humble opinion, and in all honest she got paid a lot more than whatever the going rate was on the street at that time.

However, no one else responded to that part of your post, so maybe I am wrong, in my analysis, and/or for responding--if that is true, my apologizes, as I have no intention to offend anyone.

Has Vikingguy left yet on his hunting trip ? Has April set sail ? Is Wilm1313 still following this thread ? SAJ-99 , 3855Win, wildebeast and a couple others will hopefully be along to save me from myself:) Seriously. The aforementioned and several others have been very kind-----and helpful. And it was appreciated, as admittedly I do not have the education, experience and "life" knowledge of many folks here on the forum
And those who have attempted to point this out or even mention it have been crucified by those whom make a living (politicians, newspapers, cable personalities, comedians, celebrities ) pointing out everything Trump has done and said in his life in regards to women. What Harris did was blatantly obvious at the time, ( according to what I have read, my grandmother and other older females I have ask ) but it was in the past, so it is not something that should even be mentioned today. But whatever Trump did or said about women in the past is repeated over and over and over again. It has been suggested on more than one occasion that Melania is "just" a gold digger. But Harris was "just working her way to the top in the only way she knew how, at that time, and should not now be criticized for it" --not my words but words from celebrities and news commentators.

I have heard the saying "what is good for the goose is also good for the gander" Would it or is it not fair to say "what is good for the gander is also good for the goose" Or would that make me "sexist"

I have been criticized for not staying quiet about these types of hypocrisies and told I am to young to understand. Maybe. But when a women provides sex for money there is a name for that. But when she provided sex for advancement, it was simply using all the tools at her disposable to get ahead in life. I disagree. She sold herself, in my humble opinion, and in all honest she got paid a lot more than whatever the going rate was on the street at that time.

However, no one else responded to that part of your post, so maybe I am wrong, in my analysis, and/or for responding--if that is true, my apologizes, as I have no intention to offend anyone.

Has Vikingguy left yet on his hunting trip ? Has April set sail ? Is Wilm1313 still following this thread ? SAJ-99 , 3855Win, wildebeast and a couple others will hopefully be along to save me from myself:) Seriously. The aforementioned and several others have been very kind-----and helpful. And it was appreciated, as admittedly I do not have the education, experience and "life" knowledge of many folks here on the forum

Well put....
I don't really care what Kamala has done to get where she is at. Her life is none of my business, in that area. But, I do find it offensive to try to ruin a man with a blatant double standard. Then buddy up to another after attempting to discredit him when she had something gain. I don't like her politics or her contribution to our country.

But that's not what this post was about and I digress....
And those who have attempted to point this out or even mention it have been crucified by those whom make a living (politicians, newspapers, cable personalities, comedians, celebrities ) pointing out everything Trump has done and said in his life in regards to women. What Harris did was blatantly obvious at the time, ( according to what I have read, my grandmother and other older females I have ask ) but it was in the past, so it is not something that should even be mentioned today. But whatever Trump did or said about women in the past is repeated over and over and over again. It has been suggested on more than one occasion that Melania is "just" a gold digger. But Harris was "just working her way to the top in the only way she knew how, at that time, and should not now be criticized for it" --not my words but words from celebrities and news commentators.

I have heard the saying "what is good for the goose is also good for the gander" Would it or is it not fair to say "what is good for the gander is also good for the goose" Or would that make me "sexist"

I have been criticized for not staying quiet about these types of hypocrisies and told I am to young to understand. Maybe. But when a women provides sex for money there is a name for that. But when she provided sex for advancement, it was simply using all the tools at her disposable to get ahead in life. I disagree. She sold herself, in my humble opinion, and in all honest she got paid a lot more than whatever the going rate was on the street at that time.

However, no one else responded to that part of your post, so maybe I am wrong, in my analysis, and/or for responding--if that is true, my apologizes, as I have no intention to offend anyone.

Has Vikingguy left yet on his hunting trip ? Has April set sail ? Is Wilm1313 still following this thread ? SAJ-99 , 3855Win, wildebeast and a couple others will hopefully be along to save me from myself:) Seriously. The aforementioned and several others have been very kind-----and helpful. And it was appreciated, as admittedly I do not have the education, experience and "life" knowledge of many folks here on the forum

You may not have seen many winters, but after reading many of your posts I have concluded that you are wise beyond your years.
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