Potential SCOTUS Nomimee

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The nuance, and there is one, is President Obama was termed out and merely a few months from the election which would pick the next President. Obama had zero chance to still be the President in the next term which would be voted on in November by America. Trump could be president in the next term.

The intent is for the sitting President, termed out or not and in last months of a term or not, to submit a name for the next Justice and the Senate is to approve if the candidate is minimally qualified or beyond. There was no litmus test required. There was no qualification re a specific type of education or prior service. There was no party membership required. Oh, how far we have strayed into the weeds as a Senate confirmation process.
The nuance, and there is one, is President Obama was termed out and merely a few months from the election which would pick the next President. Obama had zero chance to still be the President in the next term which would be voted on in November by America. Trump could be president in the next term.

The intent is for the sitting President, termed out or not and in last months of a term or not, to submit a name for the next Justice and the Senate is to approve if the candidate is minimally qualified or beyond. There was no litmus test required. There was no qualification re a specific type of education or prior service. There was no party membership required. Oh, how far we have strayed into the weeds as a Senate confirmation process.
I disagree I think if you try to rationalize any of it things get ridiculous.

Trump could lose and his pick might not get confirmed until December after the American people have had their say, for all we know Obama still had the faith of the country upon leaving.

All that said, I don’t want a system where we hmm and haw about that.

In my mind there should be a cut off date, it can be Jan 1st of the last year or December 31st. Then we need to stick to it.
It's time for the leadership of both parties to bow out, they are losing perspective on what's important.

I believe that Biden, Pelosi, Pence and McConnel would happily return to the cozy and collegial congressional "norms" of the '50s. It is their constituents, egged on by pundits, that demand the gloves be removed at every turn - most political leadership in their 60's and 70's are just in survival mode. Americans are getting exactly the government they are asking for (sadly).

Let's quit pointing fingers at a few thousand politicians and pundits - there are hundreds of millions of us and we control the outcome of our election system - we are just too lazy or unwilling to make the tough choices - to engage in the party mechanics, to engage in the party primaries. The 80% self-proclaimed "middle" has fully abdicated our political processes to the 10% extreme on each side. Could be really easy to fix, but we can't be bothered to do more than just complain about what the engaged minority is doing while we sit on our couches. There is a really simple path to fix - the 80% has to choose to enage for more than 30 days every 4 years, and they have to demand compromise and decorum - but I just don't see that happening these days.

I wonder if the prominent academic authors of the 1950 paper, "Towards a More Responsible Two-Party System", are happy with how their strong preference has played out. In this paper, the American Political Science Association (APSA) Committee on Political Parties issued a paper, co-authored by many of the country’s most eminent political scientists, and touted by the New York Times, advocating the need for a more polarized political system. “Unless the parties identify themselves with programs, the public is unable to make an intelligent choice between them,” it warned. It specifically saw the parties' tendency to easily compromise and overlapping ideologies as a barrier to "true democracy" - that Americans should be able to get the party policy of their specific unbending preference rather than to deal with watered-down compromises that resulted from the status quo of the time. Not sure this is working out so well for the country - but that is the great thing about academia - there is no real accountability for its recommendations.
Our checks and balance system has already been thrown out along with our constitution by Bill Barr and trump.

And basically every other president that I can recall in the last 30 years.

I really don't know what to think of this mess.

I hate both parties. I hate the two party system. I hate the back and forth between these idiots with little to show for all of the time they spend in DC.

Trump should nominate a justice. That would be no different than what Obama did.

If the dems hold it up until after election so we can let a guy with dementia pick a replacement, then I guess thats how it goes.

I am getting tired of the back and forth in Washington though.
But I am being told now that all of the history I learned in school was wrong. I will have to ponder on this awhile. 🤔
Every subject taught in 1975 has been upgraded and enhanced. Sure maybe the extremists want a complete "re-write" of history, but for the most part it is simply adding a lot of content deemed unfit for the sensitive and impressionable minds of the cold-war children - we had to buy the whole white-washed story without critical assessment so we could stand united against the commies. I am glad my kids are getting a broader read on history. We were neither perfect nor evil. Best told America is a story of aspirations, ideals, failings, expediencies, learning, growth, improvement and change. I love American and equally reject the "America is all evil narrative" as much as I reject the "cracker-jack" history promoted in the 50s, 60s and 70s.
Every subject taught in 1975 has been upgraded and enhanced. Sure maybe the extremists want a complete "re-write" of history, but for the most part it is simply adding a lot of content deemed unfit for the sensitive and impressionable minds of the cold-war children - we had to buy the whole white-washed story without critical assessment so we could stand united against the commies. I am glad my kids are getting a broader read on history. We were neither perfect nor evil. Best told America is a story of aspirations, ideals, failings, expediencies, learning, growth, improvement and change. I love American and equally reject the "America is all evil narrative" as much as I reject the "cracker-jack" history promoted in the 50s, 60s and 70s.

mmm history... I do have to remind myself of the brooks-sumner debacle from time to time, especially when people (I or others) start to claim the Sky is falling...

Funny how the republicans are in such a hurry to replace justice Ginsburg immediately when they blocked Obama from filling a justice seat for a year. Because they said it couldn't possibly be done during an election year.
Nothing hypocritical about that, right?
It's called politics. Don't kid yourself, if the rolls were reversed the Democrats would do the same thing.
Am I the only one having a hard time keeping straight what we need to take seriously anymore?

Seems like nothing but screaming at a 10 from the left and screaming at a 10 on the right, and I/we are required to do the real research on what is/isn’t important.

Holy sh*t, where’s the Tylenol?
It was gone way before that

In my view, it is the continued functioning of those checks and balances that are a big part of the noise these days. A quick survey of the last 8 years of the headlines will show all kinds of examples where the courts limited a president, agency, state, or congress; where states have pushed back on perceived overreach by the federal government; where congress has investigated the president/executive branch and been vigorously involved in judicial appointments; where constitutional frameworks like the electoral college and senate structure have buffered the will of a national urban majority. Yup, checks and balances are in full vigor these days. What is missing is the willingness of partisans to accept that their personal agendas are subject to such checks and balances by those they disagree with.
And basically every other president that I can recall in the last 30 years.

I really don't know what to think of this mess.

I hate both parties. I hate the two party system. I hate the back and forth between these idiots with little to show for all of the time they spend in DC.

Trump should nominate a justice. That would be no different than what Obama did.

If the dems hold it up until after election so we can let a guy with dementia pick a replacement, then I guess thats how it goes.

I am getting tired of the back and forth in Washington though.

I can't say I disagree with you... At this point I would much rather see President Trump get reelected than have 3 years with Kamala Harris running things. I figure Joe Biden will last around a year before she just removes him out of her way. I think Trump should go ahead and make a nomination. Whoever he nominates ain't getting in quick and easy. IMO...
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