406DN : But possibly Harris is, as a Senator ( which has been left of herself as an AG ) and some believe she will be in charge if Biden/Harris should win. And I personally believe that Biden,s record in the Senate may not be left of some, but his statements today might make some think he is drifting further left.
Europe: Eisenhower
The "White Colonist" label and term was unexpected and we have been researching it and I doubt that few in the mainstream will take this seriously ( White colonist ) I can find no one that believes someone would do that today ( adopt a child of color ) for political reasons. There are more and more bi-racial marriages and bi-racial children from those marriages and speaking only for myself and those I know, we dont even think about it.
"us" or "we" being mid twenty men and women mainly from Texas and Alaska and all middle class. It just is not an issue with us, but as stated before those from other zip codes may disagree with us.
Europe: Eisenhower
"us" or "we" being mid twenty men and women mainly from Texas and Alaska and all middle class. It just is not an issue with us, but as stated before those from other zip codes may disagree with us.