PEAX Equipment

Post up Your Fav Tillamook Flavors

The Huckleberry ice cream is awesome…and it’s available in Hawaii!!!


And I didn’t know about Marionberry Pie until this thread. Dillons (Kroger) carries more standard options in Kansas. Mrs kansasdad says the Mint Chocolate Chip is a bit more toothpaste like, and prefers Braums for her favorite flavors
Butter pecan report.

Not bad, lots of chunky pecans but the ice cream itself was almost overpowering. Typical creaminess but pretty strong. It's going to take a while to finish the container. Maybe I'll try adding some chocolate syrup pucky and see if it helps.
In no particular order,

Mudslide (best with Bailey's Chocolate Liqueur)
Peaches and Cream
Vanilla Bean
I’m going to sound like an old white guy.

Love Tillamook’s Swiss cheese block, French Vanilla Ice Cream and Blueberry yogurt.