PEAX Equipment

Possibly another Montana state record.

Hey, I need to talk to you. Speaking of pics of animals on the hoof.......did you kill that buck I think you killed?

PM me your number, I need to put a rumor to bed.
5C984D20-2CB7-48DD-B107-9EA95C4C170A.jpgStubaby you do realize that if you could have that “unlimited” archery elk permit - there would not be bulls like that around for long don’t you?
Stu, my then 15 year old, did shoot a buck that will spoil him for life. Would like to talk to you also. I am fairly open tomorrow. I will pm my #.
Oh no. It’s you again. Is the hunter even in that picture?

Hey spaz, you do realize that there’s enough private land out there for you to be wrong?

You do realize that bull has been almost that big for 3 years, has been pursued by the very people in that picture with bow and rifle?

Hey spaz, limit that unit all you want, but why must it include 9,000 other units? The only reason why it does make sense is because it puts a cap the amount of non-residents who are able to go. Lower the cap to 5%. As of next month I’m no longer a Montana resident so what do I care?

I know where the elk out there live. I know that I can do first choice and have a go all the time.

Once the new owner shuts that place down to hunting all together there’s going to be more, bigger, and even lazier elk.

Montana is going to be less and less an “opportunity” state as time goes on. I’m actually surprised the Wilkes didn’t buy that ranch and start putting 10ft fences around it just to mess with the locals.
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Stubby, the only reason there's elk there like that is because of the large tracts of restricted private land. If the landowners/outfitters can chomp on some guaranteed non-resident cash to kill them, they won't be there long.

When are we gonna hear about your sheep hunt? I'm dying for your version. :D
My version. There was only me and my twin brother on the mountain that day. I didn’t know you knew him.

The other hunter killed his on Monday and I killed mine on Thursday. Got lots of good intel from everyone but you.

I’m sure the version of a deer with your name on it on the wall in a region 4 office is much more exciting.
My version. There was only me and my twin brother on the mountain that day. I didn’t know you knew him.

The other hunter killed his on Monday and I killed mine on Thursday. Got lots of good intel from everyone but you.

I’m sure the version of a deer with your name on it on the wall in a region 4 office is much more exciting.
Did the other guy also kill a tiny one?
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Nope. Just me.

I decided that killing a 7.5 year old mature sheep with battlescars with my twin brother on top of the mtn was more important than going back later for one of the bigger ones. I’ve got 4 kids under the age of 9, a wife, career, and a mortgage.

Now maybe if I was an ego-maniac, single parent, part time dad..................

I thought I was pretty clear back in the summer to troll someone else? Seriously dude. Get a life.
Pissin myself. Back to the subject - a Big elk. That one. Killed on a big ranch that would have been killing them just like they do their deer if their clients could draw.. Thank Monson that the permit isn't unlimited and every Utard on earth is circling the wagons on a ATV. Judas!
Hey green horn. Just curious but u the greatest public land elk hunter ever. U have posted alot of awesome bulls u have killed through the years. Or u hunt private. Honestly its a complement if u only hunt public u are unreal.
From the pictures, it's probably got as much antler on it's head as any elk to walk the earth. I think it's going to get raped in the scoring process due to the points just past the royals. Looks like one might be typical, and the other non-typical.
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