Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Train

I thought this was a new beer when I read Portland-Milwaukie Light......
Sounded good to me. :)
(I would imagine the climate is the same around the pipeline from Canada to the Gulf? Sorry, I am unfamiliar with the topic)
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Been here 20 years.

Lightrail in Portland is a "jobs bill" basically. Puts people to work during the construction phase. Increases the real estate value within a couple of blocks of each station since retail and housing combined with lightrail appeals to someone not wanting to own a vehicle. That impact on real estate values creates the tempatation to make lots of stations but that means lots of stops for the light rail once the new line goes into operation. There is no "Express" option that would skip stopping at several stations. So, lightrail moves at about the same speed as a bicycle along some sections of track. The overhead wires sometimes ice up and the trains stall out as a result. We have protests in Portland by anarchists and protest bike rides that will block the light rail path through Portland so service stops for hours several times a year. Fights break out on the trains every week it seems between teens or vagrants. Drugs are dealt continuously. People are mugged on isolated train platforms. Non-compliance on paying for fares is rampant.

The block length in central Portland is much shorter than you typically encounter. That means the light rail trains were designed so did not exceed the length of a single block so intersections do not clog when the train stops at a platform. The short length means fewer passengers per train and more train engines needed to carry the passenger load.

After decades, Portland has several legs to the system. Each added leg increases the usefulness of all existing legs since you can now make connections to reach more locations around town. This increases the chance a person can actually get to where they need to get using only lightrail.

Buses are a better deal for mass transit when a pencil is put to paper since bus routes are easier to move than a light rail track.

Any specific questions?
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Nothing specific yet. That pretty much confirmed my assumptions from research. Thanks alot!

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