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Population Growth and Hunting in Rocky Mountain States

I also felt judged earlier when @Ben Lamb called me a racist.

May I come join you in your yurt of inclusion and acceptance? I can bring my own kumis.

You'd get lost somewhere over the South China sea. Everything looks the same to you
The solution to population growth and hunting in the Rocky Mountains is right before your eyes and all you can do is call it weird?

Please. Be supportive of science based solutions or don’t clutter this thread with your gibberish.

Srsly. Here we are offering options for all of the folks and someone who think fried bologna sandwiches are the height of cuisine comes along and loses a tooth yelling about it.

The solution to population growth and hunting in the Rocky Mountains is right before your eyes and all you can do is call it weird?

Please. Be supportive of science based solutions or don’t clutter this thread with your gibberish.
You forgot to include a picture of this science based solution Gerald. Do I have to do everything for you?41697_L_vvs_000.jpg
View attachment 207818
Mongolia is a pretty amazing place, where they can still live a nomadic life, like their ancestors did. Only about 3 million people while bordering country China has 1.4 billion people living in it. Here's to Mongolia!🍻
Mongolia is a pretty amazing place, where they can still live a nomadic life, like their ancestors did. Only about 3 million people while bordering country China has 1.4 billion people living in it. Here's to Mongolia!🍻
Go West, young man… wait a minute. Which way is Mongolia from MT? Paging @Ben Lamb. . .?

I know North is always up on the map.

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