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Poor millennials

My shirt today , I remember when I made mix tapes , so that means I’m an OG Gen-Xer cuz I grew up analog.
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Back when you made a playlist by having the cassette tape in your stereo, ready to rush over and hit “record” when your favorite song came on the radio?
Back when you made a playlist by having the cassette tape in your stereo, ready to rush over and hit “record” when your favorite song came on the radio?

Yep ! When I was growing up the only way to listen to music was record, dad had an eight track player in the camper, And then about seventh grade they start coming out with those portable cassette players , we called boom boxes, and then when I was in high school in my bedroom I had a double cassette player so you would put your one tape on pause and then play your other cassette until It got to the song you liked and then unpause it on the other tape , it was meticulous craft I was an expert. Cds didn’t become popular until the very end of the 80’s

And I’m old-school I still like collecting CDs these are the two I’ve got in the mail in the last week
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I don't generally pay much attention to what generation anyone happens to be a member of, but I went to the store today and because of this thread I was conscious of how different generations tend to view each other. I stood in line at the cashier right behind a gen Z. In the short time I stood there admiring her assets, I fell madly in love. So, apparently this old boomer, kinda likes gen Z. When my new love paid the cashier, a gen X, she told her to keep the 50 cents change. Instead of appreciating the tip the cashier started complaining to me about how dumb the Kids are these days. I suggested that maybe she just didn't want the change because she didn't have any pockets in those cute little running shorts she was wearing, but no, she insisted it was because they just don't have any sense. So, that gen X, obviously didn't care to much for Gen Z, and I didn't care to much for that particular Gen X gal because of her attitude towards my future wife.
Why are they the silent generation? They all die?🤔
"The most startling fact about the younger generation is its silence. With some rare exceptions, youth is nowhere near the rostrum. By comparison with the Flaming Youth of their fathers & mothers, today's younger generation is a still, small flame. It does not issue manifestoes, make speeches or carry posters. It has been called the '"Silent Generation.'"
"The most startling fact about the younger generation is its silence. With some rare exceptions, youth is nowhere near the rostrum. By comparison with the Flaming Youth of their fathers & mothers, today's younger generation is a still, small flame. It does not issue manifestoes, make speeches or carry posters. It has been called the '"Silent Generation.'"
I am the worst "Z"

Love "Boomer" music
Prefer an afternoon at or on the river to Starbucks
Prefer a horse over an electric car
Lean, conservative
prefer more land and a trailer for the price of a home in town.
had several "propositions" but waiting on a "proposal " from a young man who is NOT all hat and no cows

I think it is going to be tough, among my own, to be a "Z"
Sitting at a bar, listening to a table of possibly inebriated 50 something tell the world how all that ails this country is directly attributed to millennial. Why do they get labeled as such a wasted generation and do people realize that most "millennials" are in their 30s? I'm here to make a stand for what I believe is the most misunderstood and underestimated generation that I've ever seen. Stand proud millennials, break free of the stigmas of flat brimmedness and acute laziness that has been unfairly placed upon your reputations. I will stand beside each and everyone of in the fight for cessation of your unfair labeling, harassment and treatment.
Here is my spin on "why"?

Boomers, unlike the silent generation, lived longer, worked longer and did not leave family-sized housing to "downsize". These all limited available jobs and family housing for Millenials. This combo resulted in "delayed adulthood" for many. And now after two decades+ of NIMBY zoning we still don't have enough housing stock for Boomers and old Gen Xers to get their Millenials out of their basement at reasonable pricing.
Here is my spin on "why"?

Boomers, unlike the silent generation, lived longer, worked longer and did not leave family-sized housing to "downsize". These all limited available jobs and family housing for Millenials. This combo resulted in "delayed adulthood" for many. And now after two decades+ of NIMBY zoning we still don't have enough housing stock for Boomers and old Gen Xers to get their Millenials out of their basement at reasonable pricing.
I enjoyed my parents basement. It had a pool table.
Here is my spin on "why"?

Boomers, unlike the silent generation, lived longer, worked longer and did not leave family-sized housing to "downsize". These all limited available jobs and family housing for Millenials. This combo resulted in "delayed adulthood" for many. And now after two decades+ of NIMBY zoning we still don't have enough housing stock for Boomers and old Gen Xers to get their Millenials out of their basement at reasonable pricing.
Yep... definitely fits with my perception of things, or at least in my family+ extended network.

Both sets of grandparents downsized in their late 60s to smaller houses/ apartments and then went into nursing/assisted living/group home etc, in their 70s and moved there at a time when they were fully independent, still could drive, etc.

2 sets of great grandparents stayed in the house they raised their kids in until they died.

Conversely, my in-laws, 2 aunts/uncles, 3 sets of first cousins-once removed, and 4 sets of friends parents all upscaled during the pandemic. 🤯

"Our kids are gone, and we crushed the stock market, let's go from 3 bed 2 bath 1800 sqft to 5 bed 3 bath and 3000 sqft" or "let's buy a house in Florida and one in NY and do the snowbird thing..."

... and like weird houses for aging folks with lots of stairs, huge yards, really rural areas, places far from any kind of healthcare...

Also, talk to any healthcare work who deals with Boomers, holy chit does that generation think they are immortal. "I'm going to wait till I'm 80 to get my knee done, you know they only last 20 years" 🤦‍♂️

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