Poor millennials

I Always get the, Idk if ill make it to 80 from my dad. He's so sadistic. Seems like a boomer thing to say.

Dont even get me started on negotiating purchasing a freakin truck.
Very enlightening. I never thought about my parents as Boomers but it is true that they have done better than my generation who is doing better then my childrens generation.

Hold your horses! Us Millennials will be here for the collapse of society, living in caves, hunting, and fishing to live, living a semi nomadic lifestyle across the mountains and plains. If that’s not living the dream then I dunno what is.
I am very lucky to have parents who wanted me to succeed. So I never felt like they stole anything from me. If anything I feel like I owe them a lot for making the sacrifices in life to get me to where I am at today as a man, husband, father, and employee. They did well and live a very modest life. I don't feel like they took anything from me.

If anything I wish they would spend more of their money and do more things before their lives are over.
Just as each generation gets called worthless by their parents and grandparents, I think its interesting to consider how each generation struggles uniquely and that informs their perception of the world. My dad (a boomer) grew up spending half of his time at his grandma's house. Dirt floor, outhouse, metal wash tub outside, and a wood stove inside. He spent his summers priming tobacco onto mule-drawn sleds (that slowly turned into tractor-pulled sleds over time). After he got out of the navy, he and my mom both worked jobs that required no college degree and bought a house that is worth way, way more today.

Despite how frustrating the stagnation of wages is and the state of the housing market, I've never lived in a dirt floor house.

And despite how much I hear about how worthless millennials are, my being a millennial doesn't seem to bother these geezers when they need something welded or their house repaired/upgraded.
I am very lucky to have parents who wanted me to succeed. So I never felt like they stole anything from me. If anything I feel like I owe them a lot for making the sacrifices in life to get me to where I am at today as a man, husband, father, and employee. They did well and live a very modest life. I don't feel like they took anything from me.

If anything I wish they would spend more of their money and do more things before their lives are over.

Bro do you even watch true crime shows... 70-80s were terrifying... apparently. Atlanta Child Killer... holy smokes.

Poisoned Tylenol, Reagan, AIDS, Crack, Flavor Flav - yeah we had our issues, but man, we had original coke, cheap smokes and friend's older brother who could get us a 12'er of Budweiser & some peach schnapps.

Life was F'in good.
We were in that glorious time where we didn't have to duck and cover, and we didn't have active shooter drills.

But our weed was just trash.

Just F'in trash.

If this keeps up, This Boomer may have to head to Pullman for some of that Gen Z Dispensary medication...

The pills that Mother gives me don't do anything at all......

If this keeps up, This Boomer may have to head to Pullman for some of that Gen Z Dispensary medication...

The pills that Mother gives me don't do anything at all......
Skip the pills and head straight to the gummie bears.

You’re welcome.
Here is my spin on "why"?

Boomers, unlike the silent generation, lived longer, worked longer and did not leave family-sized housing to "downsize". These all limited available jobs and family housing for Millenials. This combo resulted in "delayed adulthood" for many. And now after two decades+ of NIMBY zoning we still don't have enough housing stock for Boomers and old Gen Xers to get their Millenials out of their basement at reasonable pricing.
I agree with most of that, but I also see a large problem with folks my age and younger that somehow immediately expect the same standard of living as their parents the moment they graduate college. My younger siblings, younger cousins and my younger employees have all purchased huge houses in higher end neighborhoods as their "starter homes". You are all Dinks, with college debt up to your ears, don't buy a 600k house as your first home and bitch to me about the cost of living. Your parents worked their asses off for decades to get where they are. sorry, end of rant.
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