Kenetrek Boots

Poor millennials

@wllm don't laugh just got home from work and grabbed the icy hot, wife asked your back or your knees? I replied it would be easier to just fill a tub and dunk into it.

Used bio freeze on my hip one time and then proceeded to play a basketball game. Sweat made it run to places you don’t want it. I do not recommend the tub and dunk method.
You never disappoint
Yeah you start off your career thinking you’ll be mapping migration routes for Nat geo and end up spending an inordinate amount of time making info graphics with ridiculously large text in Arial font because old dudes can’t handle powerpoint 32 years after it was released and wont wear “their cheaters”.
So can I choose between gen x and being a millennial if I’m part of the overlap?

I thought we all had agreed it was the boomers that messed everything up and we were just trying to clean up after them?

Look out GenX… 😂

“The Karen generation”

So in lieu of that gem, does yelling at service industry employees or the housing market crashing give you more joy?
Peak millennial here, no where near either of the disputed boundaries. Love avocado toast AND have a savings account so I suppose Im a bit of an enigma.
Love me some avocado toast and occaisional bougie coffee as well, yet I own a house somehow (well, the bank owns it I suppose). Not sure what kind of parallel universe I'm existing in. I was told I'd have to cut those things out of my life before I could "Pull myself up by my bootstraps" and buy a house. This is so confusing.

@wllm don't laugh just got home from work and grabbed the icy hot, wife asked your back or your knees? I replied it would be easier to just fill a tub and dunk into it.
But then you get icy hot on your boys. Never a good thing

Funny story, High school band took a trip to the Rose Bowl (I wasn't in band, heard second hand). Anywho, two guys that didn't really care for each other were in a room together. One Icy hot'ed the shit out of the toilet seat and the other guy went to poop and his nether regions figuratively caught fire.
I'm a xennial (dob '77-'85). We were born early enough to remember what it was like before widely available internet and cell phones, but young enough to become fluent in their use before full adulthood. We grew up being bullied irl and learned resilience.

Poor zoomers have been mind-f***ed by technology, with statistically worsening mental health and personal well-being. It is our job to pass on the sacred knowledge to these sad creatures, sort of like "The Giver". Help them "touch grass".

The boomers' time is coming to an end, reluctantly. We must soon lock arms with our billionaire gen X tech Brothers to re-engineer a healthier society.

But yeah, boomers think a millenial is any young person lol. Hell, at least a few older millenials are grandparents now!
Sitting at a bar, listening to a table of possibly inebriated 50 something tell the world how all that ails this country is directly attributed to millennial. Why do they get labeled as such a wasted generation and do people realize that most "millennials" are in their 30s? I'm here to make a stand for what I believe is the most misunderstood and underestimated generation that I've ever seen. Stand proud millennials, break free of the stigmas of flat brimmedness and acute laziness that has been unfairly placed upon your reputations. I will stand beside each and everyone of in the fight for cessation of your unfair labeling, harassment and treatment.
Man it would have to suuuuuucckkkk to be both a millenial AND a non-resident. Talk about fate rolling you a pair of snake eyes. 😉.

And as much as I hate saying this.. maybe the WY wilderness law HAS saved a few of your lives though. 🤣
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