Poor ATVers...

Matt i don`t think you would know common sense...if you tripped over it...If you make a post that isn`t "specific" [then i have the right to call bullshit] some people here try to "imply" that they are superman and can drag out a "whole" elk under normal or average conditions [thats pure bullshit] if its downhill on a ski lift,or other conditions that allow you to overcome the forces of gravity/friction etc. than its believable [not bullshit].... by the way i don`t own an ATV, never have.. but someday i might...they would be great for retrieving a killed elk in Arizona.
CJCJ- I never implied anything. You must have implied it in your head. What I wrote is fact. I didn't put weather conditions, altitude, barometric pressure, time of day, where the sun stood in the sky or what I was smelling. I guess I could have been "specific" but it would have taken forever to write the post. All you had to do was ask how it was done. I would have answered as best I could.
Well for both our benefit in the future, if i think your bullshitting i`ll ask you for specifics.....Have a nice day.

You really are a ten-watt arent you?

CJCJ said, "some people here try to "imply" that they are superman and can drag out a "whole" elk under normal or average conditions "

Hey dipshit, normal or average conditions in Montana are usually snow and cold weather during elk season...

You're the one that needs to pull your head out and realize that people live and hunt north of the Mogollon rim...
Thats right Buzzy "normal" would also include [uphill..over rocks..logs..around tree`s etc.] but i`m glad to hear that your "normal" elk kill is all downhill and in the snow ...probably on a frozen lake or at the top of a ski run... sure Buzz...to bad your so closed minded to include ALL conditions. but i`ll be glad to give you the "Fair and balanced" truth anytime.....

Got to go for now ..waiting for some Elk hunters up near Snowflake AZ to call me.. to help them pickup their elk.... most likely will be killed on or near a meadow...real nice drive right up to it.. load it up.. no damage, not even a track.... "sweet"
cjcj, When killing a cow elk or a doe for meat, even a small bull or buck, uphill from the road would be very normal. In fact it would be abnormal to kill one downhill from the truck. Didn't anybody ever teach you how to meat hunt? :D
cjcj, the only fair and balanced truth in this whole discussion is that every elk we killed this year was at least 4 miles from a driveable road, one of the 4 was taken out whole. Thats what you called BS on, and on that point you were wrong...come on cjcj, pretend you're a man and admit it.

Those are the facts.

I understand that you have trouble believing that anyone has enough ambition to actually hike while hunting and venture more than 200 yards from a road...you AZ boys wouldnt survive an average elk hunt up North...

Stay in AZ with your atv's and roads...enjoy fighting shitty draw odds and that elk tag you get every 15 years...

Ithaca, I dont think cjcj knows much of anything about hunting unless theres roads, atv's, and fat asses involved...and I doubt he even knows much about that...
Ithaca 37 said:
cjcj, When killing a cow elk or a doe for meat, even a small bull or buck, uphill from the road would be very normal. In fact it would be abnormal to kill one downhill from the truck. Didn't anybody ever teach you how to meat hunt? :D

Ithaca that was pretty stupid.. hump
Well it looks like i will save some gas..just got the call from 2 hunters who both got their cow elk.[drove right to them after the kill]..right across from the silver creek golf course...they thanked me for the info...and said they are having a "great time" with their elk hanging and all of the other hunters coming in to look at them.. i told them to stay off of the greens haha....But don`t worry Buzz ..there is a part of the unit [woolhouse] that is off limits to "any" motorized travel [including game retrieval]...so you should be happy about that...but the truth is there are more elk outside of the "woolhouse wildlife area" than there are in it...psst. across the road in the tall pines.

Will wait for the full story from my brother..... :)
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