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Poor ATVers...


Before you call bullshit and get your ass handed to you...I'll one up the ante.

Not only did a 1.5 year old cow come out whole for 4 miles, we threw a 4 point white-tail buck and a doe on top for good measure...

There were 4 of us dragging on that pile of dead critters on snow, downhill/level on an old logging road with a heavy sheet of plastic designed by my Dads neighbor. Which is about like piling you're fat ass on a plastic taboggan and giving you a shove down a snowy slope...you dont need to bench 400 pounds or run a 6 minute mile to get that kind of package moving downhill. Obviously you flunked physics in high school.

We did the same thing a few years ago with a mature cow moose on the same sheet of plastic...need some visuals or do you still want to call bullshit????
Boy! You guys sure talk tough and after seeing at least one of yer babyface photos I am starting to figure I better roll my pantlegs up if I'm gonna hang around here much longer. I just archery hunt for the last 15 years and yes with four men and a sled or cart you can get your elk out but y'all talked at the start as if you can go out alone and do it then you end up with a small army to justify yer positions. Kinda like all those statistics on AZ atv laws you pulled out of your pink butts. Funny boys you are. Gotta go have my third wild turkey and eat some bon bons. :D
ringer, Now that you know how easy it is you'll never have to bitch about not having roads everywhere you wanna go pick up game.

I'm also surprised you can't comprehend the benefits of having vast unroaded areas for game to thrive in and overflow out of.
Ringer and CJCJ, aka...the ten watt Arizona twins...

You dont need an army to move two elk by yourself, you just need an extra person to kind of herd them along and steer...

Heres an example, I could EASILY drag this package of 2 elk by myself on level ground and on a slight downhill slope. The steep downhill I needed help holding it back, and uphill beyond 20% slope I couldnt drag it alone either...

Dont believe your eyes, this isnt 2 dead elk on the plastic, nor me dragging them, its all an illusion...


This also isnt a photo of a mature cow moose on the same piece of plastic that we were able to drag for 1.5 miles either, again, its all about the camera angle and optical illusions...We drug this moose from the extreme upper left hand side of the photo about 2/3 of a mile beyond the ridge with the conifer trees on it.


Oh, and Ringer, I've packed a lot of elk out by myself...need some pictures???

I'm beginning to think that the AZ boys are a big bunch of pansy asses, afraid of a little work....whatever boys, stick to the roads, mamas skirt, and the front porch.
Buzz-What's that white stuff? I could pull my atv on a sled in that. And why is it you got all those roads and trucks in yer photos. Man those two boys with the moose would scare the crap out of any AZ hunter! They fly in from Frisco?
My guess is that Ringer doesn't have 4 friends, so he has to resort to an ATV, as nobody would ever help that drunk with a pack load.

Do you honestly believe that areas without roads are closed to hunting, in all practicality?
Thanks for the pictures Buzz. I have a small plastic sheet I got from Cabelas that's about right for a deer or maybe half an elk, but I like the looks of that plastic you're using. Does it roll up when not in use? Where's the best place to get something like that? Ever use it on bare ground?

I guess maybe the sun has had its way with your vision, or else you're too damn drunk to see...either way.

I'll tell you about the two guys in the moose photo...either one could make you cry for your mama trying to keep up with them in the woods, and they're both almost 60. By the way the guy on the left is my Dad, the other guy is his best friend...both born and raised in Missoula Montana and still living there and killing elk, deer, and antelope every year. They own hiking boots and arent afraid to use them...I wonder if thats why they spank so much game every year??? Naaa, just pure luck year after year after year...

Ithaca, yep, it rolls up into a pretty small package. My Dads neighbor works for a plastic company as a computer drafter...designing plastic gears, etc. etc. He doesnt hunt, but he and Dad were talking one day about the one you mentioned from cabelas. The next day he made the one you see in the pictures. We have used it on bare ground and yes it works, although not as well as with snow. I bet I know where you might be able to come up with something real similar...or maybe even with a new improved model...I have some ideas on how to improve it...
Buzz-I was just pokin' back at you for being a know it all and tellin me how to live my life. You and the other boys are fine with me and I wish you the best of success. This whole subject has been a good laugh for me. You guys need to understand that you have no idea about who is on the other end of the puter and what they have done in their lives. I can tell from the comments and photos you are young men with a lot of passion. My son is in prison and I so wish he turned out as well as any of you. I hope to be able to spend some time with him when he is released next fall like Buzz and his old man have done. Have a good night/morning.

Those closures kick ass!!! In one of my hunting areas in particular!!! Poor poor atv'ers... now they have to walk or stay home and whine. :D :D :D hump

Nice pictures buzz. I think the farthest I've packed or drug an elk is only about three miles or so... one time in particular, three of us got 3 bulls out THE SAME DAY WE KILLED THEM... took two trips but we got it done! We use horses most of the time so we really don't care how far we get from the road... About 90% of the elk we kill is in the neighborhood of about 5-6 miles though. Damn that wilderness area!

BTW what kind of plastic is that? Whats it made from? It looks like it would work slicker than chit! I have used heavy duty platic tarps before and heavy duty trash bags double or triple baged with boned out meat in em. As a mater of fact thats how I got my buck out this year...
Once again Buzz your blowing it out your ass! Down hill in the snow ? thats about the only time you can do it..Buzz, you see matt didn`t say down hill and in the snow with 4 guys...So you guys are full of BULLSHIT... its always after the original statement that you add.. the ...We had 4 guys .. it was downhill... in the snow...whats next we threw it off a mountain and it rolled 5 miles...Buzz you are a pathetic idiot sometimes. get real... there isn`t a hunter out there that is going to move an "WHOLE ELK" very far without.....Wheels/ on ICE ....etc. you just can`t overcome gravity/resistance..[drag] and if you can`t understand that you are a fool. Damn i get tired of "schooling" you.
Just because I can't do something or haven't done something doesn't mean it's not possible...just a thought I think is relevant for this discussion.

Buzz- That sheet looks pretty slick...pun intended. Kifaru, they make backpack hunting gear, makes/markets a plastic sled for the same purpose that you use the sheet fore. They also advocate using it to haul your gear in when hunting in snow.
Thanks. He just ended up with a mean streak like the old man and a drug problem that he couldn't control. He's 36 and we still hope he can have a life. You get drug dealers up there just put a round in their heads. Give them to cj to dump in the woods on his atv. ;)
Try dragging a "whole" Elk on dry land and see how far you get... wait maybe Buzz keeps a "Quart of oil" in his backpack..and then the "whole elk" will slide over rocks..over logs...up hill...LMAO.
Hey Buzz i got one for ya.. me and you in a tug -of -war... $300. each winner take all.. You should be able to take a 50 year old with a bad leg....we could put it in the Hunttalk video.
CJCJ- Before you start crying bullshit and telling people they've been schooled, YOU better go back to school and learn to read. If you look at my post I said one elk was taken out whole. I really didn't mention the method/ didn't think it was relevant to the post. If you think it was easy; get you're broken down ass up here and help out next year. You probably couldn't walk to the spot the elk was taken. I believe I also wrote something about using a game cart on the others. It only makes sense to use the most accomodating method for the terrain/ distance/ weather. That's called using common sense. Evidently common sense isn't real common around your house.
MattK said:
..... It only makes sense to use the most accomodating method for the terrain/ distance/ weather. That's called using common sense. ....
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Hence the use of ATVs where and when it's legal. Keep working it out, I have faith you'll get it eventually. :eek: |oo |oo |oo
ringer, there's nothing like getting a guy like your son back into being outdoors and having fun fishing or hunting to make him appreciate life again and want to be able to participate. One of my buddies has a son who's had real bad problems with alcohol and trouble with the law. A combination of counciling, getting the hell scared out of him in a bad accident, losing his driving license, and getting back into hunting and fishing with his father and I has really helped him turn his life around. Keeping away from the booze is always going to be a struggle for him, but I'm amazed what the hunting has done for him. It's almost like he's found a new addiction, and he loves being outdoors with us. We make sure he knows he's gotta stay straight if he's gonna come with us, and there's always a future hunting or fishing trip we're planning to keep his mind focused on the fun he'll have with us.
TB- That's why I hunt in an area that doesn't allow ATV's. Funny it still doesn't stop them from entering the area illegally. As the beginning of this post points out, more and more areas are becoming closed to ATV's because of the irresponsible use of them. My argument is to those who feel the ONLY way of getting game out is by driving two feet from where the game was shot. It is not necessary to get this close. I too have been lazy in the past but have since wisened up.

I have discovered in speaking to people who use atv's for hunting, they are lazy and try finding loopholes to be lazy. One example happened this year. The person saw a gate was open. He didn't go find out if he was allowed access through the gate, instead he assumed there was access. The entire area is closed to unauthorized motorized travel. Many atv riders assume they know the law but don't care to actually find out the law. They're laziness has no end; too lazy to walk, too lazy to drag, too lazy to look up the law.

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