Question as to whether you can reheat wild boar, answered.
Wife did a ham cuban style. (The rotten bananas are plantains for plantanos maduros. If your plantains aren't at least that far gone they won't come out right.)

We didn't finish it. So, I reheated on the stove, adding tomato paste, plenty of cumin, onion and garlic.

Most of the time I can taste some gamey with reheated meat, but this I couldn't tell it wasnt made fresh.
Wife did a ham cuban style. (The rotten bananas are plantains for plantanos maduros. If your plantains aren't at least that far gone they won't come out right.)

We didn't finish it. So, I reheated on the stove, adding tomato paste, plenty of cumin, onion and garlic.

Most of the time I can taste some gamey with reheated meat, but this I couldn't tell it wasnt made fresh.