Yeti GOBOX Collection

Plate ‘em up

Worked 13 hours today and came home to this steaming plate of collards, black-eyeds and tomatoes, rice and sausage. The sausage is from a wild hog that my dad shot fall of 2021. Was a boar that had been castrated and returned to the woods and he was built like a Volkswagen. Very good eating. Also I must be knocking it out of the park to end up with deviled eggs on a weeknight 😋
Busy Monday so pretty simple dinner. Peppercorn encrusted Whitetail Loin with RoastedZucchini and Yellow Squash tossed in Sea Salt , Olive Oil , Pepper , Red Pepper Flakes and Honey. Loin got a bit more done than I usually like it. I tried a new method of searing it in a cast iron pan then putting the lid on the pan and removing it from the heat and leaving it sit for five minutes. Five minutes turned into eight somehow. I rested it for 5 minutes before slicing it. It was still great. I enjoyed it. 836B087E-6DC6-40BB-ABFD-5E6B42F5CF75.jpegD68FDC58-BDBA-46FC-8B30-FB6C58ACF5C2.jpeg