
Plastic Welder


Active member
Jan 24, 2025
Wasn't sure where to post this so I'm putting it here.

After noticing one being used on a YouTube channel to repair the plastic on a lawn mower, I decided to give one of these new (at least to me) plastic welders a try. I would describe it as a hot stapler that allows you to melt metal binding strips across cracked plastic. I used mine to fix a long crack in the John Deere Pull-behind Dump Cart my hunting partner and I use to load and transport deer and hogs. I can see it also being a handy tool to repair cracks in plastic ATV and UTV fenders and such. Not something that you would use to repair something for the living room but works great for functional repairs. I found a cutoff grinder works best at removing the ends of the staples after you have embedded them into the plastic. Not expensive at all.
Sounds interesting. Where’d you pick yours up?

Plastic Welder

Lots of YouTube videos that demonstrate how it works. I found it easy to use and never ended up with a finger touching the hot portion of the gun. The probes on the gun seem to cool down as quickly as they heat it. In fact, they may not get very hot at all if electrical current is what heats up the staples.
Project farm on youtube did a review of a bunch of these welders as well as plastic JB weld. Worth a watch if interesting in buying one.
never seen one of these before… too bad, could have saved me a lot of time drilling strategically placed holes and pulling zip ties through like stitches. as mentioned earlier, looks like a great tool for a weekend dirtbike/atv warrior to repair cracked fenders, side plates, headlight housings, etc. Or all the cracked plastic assemblies under bumpers and what not of cars and trucks. Worth a try at least.
It would be interesting to see if anyone is following up with Plastruct PL2. I've had great results with it, but it is hard to hold larger work together while it works.
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