New member
I've been spending more time looking for places to hunt than I have actually hunting. I missed all of last season(1st season here in Idaho) because I of military reasons. So this is my first year hunting birds in Idaho. And as with any new place, you have to put in your leg work to find your spots, which I have been doing. I've found some birds but nothing to brag about. And of course as everyone knows, most of the better spots are on private land. I've been getting phone numbers and asking asking for permission but that can be a slow process sometimes, not to mention some land owners are a little reluctant letting a stranger hunt their land. But I sure don't blame them since there are a few A-holes that go out, shoot everything up then and leave shells and beer bottles all over the place. I'm just trying to do a little research since next year will be my last to hunt birds in Idaho. Because of my job in the Air Force, I have to move every three years. So my time is limited. I'm not asking for any secret spots, just a place where me and my dog can do a little walking and see some birds. And on the swing of things, I'll be more than welcome to share what I've found so far.