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Places to hunt around Mt Home/Boise


New member
Oct 11, 2002
Not Idaho :( !!!...AZ for now
I've been spending more time looking for places to hunt than I have actually hunting. I missed all of last season(1st season here in Idaho) because I of military reasons. So this is my first year hunting birds in Idaho. And as with any new place, you have to put in your leg work to find your spots, which I have been doing. I've found some birds but nothing to brag about. And of course as everyone knows, most of the better spots are on private land. I've been getting phone numbers and asking asking for permission but that can be a slow process sometimes, not to mention some land owners are a little reluctant letting a stranger hunt their land. But I sure don't blame them since there are a few A-holes that go out, shoot everything up then and leave shells and beer bottles all over the place. I'm just trying to do a little research since next year will be my last to hunt birds in Idaho. Because of my job in the Air Force, I have to move every three years. So my time is limited. I'm not asking for any secret spots, just a place where me and my dog can do a little walking and see some birds. And on the swing of things, I'll be more than welcome to share what I've found so far.
I don't spend any time hunting around Mtn Home or between there and Boise. I did usta hunt around Big Jack's Creek and Little Jack's Creek south of Bruneau. That was a good area for chukars. One of the best areas I ever hunted for chukars was down by Grassmere. We went to Grassmere and then about 20 or thirty miles east of there into some canyons and draws near the Bruneau River. Great hunting but too far for me to drive to go there again.
Depends on what you want to hunt. Private lands on the WMA's would be the places to go for pheasant. If you are going for chucker then I would try around Rattlesnake Creek or the Long Tom area. Those two areas are close to Mtn. Home.
Good choice of Rattlesnake Crk and Long Tom. (Rattlesnake Creek is off of Hwy 20 by the old Mtn Home Monument). Very good chuckar hunting if you can walk up a steep hill. Long Tom is very nice and not nearly as steep, mostly flat. Danskin Mtn id good for chuckar and grouse. Very scenic, you can see the whole dang valley from up there.
Thanks gents for the input. I've hunted parts of Long Tom, but it sure was steep (on the back side off imigrant road). Back in there is a spot with more chukar than you could shoot in 10 seasons, but it's a walk to get to them (a rough walk). I've heard about Rattlesnake creek but I hav'nt ventured up there yet. I've also heard about Grasmere but it's a little far. I still plan on giving it a go one of these weekends. I hear Kings Hill is a good place but again, I hav'nt been there yet. Any good? I also know the hills on cow creek road( before you start dropping down towards the river) hold a lot of Huns. I'm still looking for good quail spots. I have a few but they are on private land, and the hunt is in high sage which makes hunting with a pointer a little difficult. Not impossible, but not as fun as hunting in an open field/hillside.
I've chased rumors about King Hill being good for chukars but never found very many there. Quail numbers can be good if you're on private land.

Now you know two Rattlesnake Creeks where the birds are.

Sometimes ya just hafta drive for awhile to get good bird hunting. I've had real good luck on the So. side of the Owyhee River down by the Indian reservation. But if I lived in Mtn. Home and wanted to spend my time most productively lookin' for chukars I'd probably go east of Grassmere.
Thanks I37,

I think I'll give Grasmere a try this Saturday. I also hear if you go up Jacks creek(into the canyon)you'll find a lot of chukar. That's what I'm hearing from the deer hunters. I went out yesterday and shot a few quail off one of the WMAs. Not my first choice of hunting spots since there were a lot of pheasant hunters. I'm just not into shooting stocked birds, but to each there own. Guys at work brag on how many pheasant cards they have filled, but what fun is it going down the mourning after an evening stock and finding the pheasants coveyed like quail. It's like shooting fish in a barrell. Not my cup of tea. That's why I'll spend the time looking for the other birds, besides you never know what you'll find in the hills (I37's rock art).

My fist love is quail, only because I was spoiled in New Mexico hunting Bob Whites and Scales, not to mention wild pheasant. This is my first year with chukar, but I'm already hooked. I have'nt quite got the hang on hunting them. We get our shots, but chasing birds up/down steep hills get tiring fast. Keeps you young :D

Thaks again for the reply's, I'll pass on what I find.

My daughter and I headed out to Rattlesnake creek yesterday mourning. Hiked up the ridge and found some birds. Actually, my dog found them and busted the covey about 200 yards in front of us. I let her roam out because the walking was slow with my 10 year old daughter. I was more enjoying the time with her in the early mourning than worrying about shooting birds. It's great walking along talking about anything and everything. There's no better 1 on 1 time. We're planning on buying her a 20 ga this summer, start shooting clays, and start hunting with me next year. I can't wait.

Steamer/Flytier: Thanks for the info on Rattlesnake. We saw a few birds, and I actully had two good shots (missed both
Those boys can get up and go in a hurry! Are there better numbers on top of the bluffs? Only saw a covey of 6-8, and a covey of 5. But as I said earlier, I had other priorities. Thanks again for the info!

Ithaca: Do you do your own dog training. If so, I have a few questions on a couple of topics.

Headed out to Danskin today. I did'nt feel like making the drive to Grasmere. Since this my first time on the Mountain I decided to drive around and explore. When I got close to the lookout, I new I went to far for chukar but I was more interested at just looking around. I spoke with a deer hunter who said he saw a bunch of birds on the other side of the mountain (back where I drove up from). When driving to the spot I looked out and saw a some large birds about 50 yards off the road. Got the Binocs out and realized they were sage grouse. I grabbed a handfull of #6's and headed off. Bam, Bam, Bam! 3 shots, 3 birds. Not bad. Ok, I'm bull chitting
! I know there's no season for them in area 1. I'm a hunter not a poacher. I actually sat there and watched them for about 5 minutes. What a pretty bird and I did'nt realize how big they are. I saw over 30 birds in 3 seperate coveys, but that's all I saw. No chukar. Well, I can't say no chukar. After walking in the rocks for about 2 hours we got back to the truck. I was sitting down drinking a coke and my dog would'nt stay still. Before I knew it 2 birds get up about 25 yards from the vehicle. Of course, my gun was already put up. Other than that, no other birds. Still a good day seeing those grouse for the first time, not to mention a whole lot of deer.
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