Pistol for CCW


New member
Apr 4, 2012
Bozeman Mt
I am looking for a new pistol for concealed carry and wanted some input. I am looking for something in .45 ACP or .40 S&W. I can go compact, but not sub-compact, my hands are way too big. I currently have an XD-45 in 4", but would like to go something slimmer. I also like striker fired, but would still consider a hammer. I want to stay with a quality brand, but I am not interested in Glock (personal reasons).

Thanks for the help, not worried about price.
Kimber pro carry , though it might be around the same size as your XD-45?
lots of good options out there. Fit is everything. Go to the store and try them all. Kahr and SW shield fit my hand well.
Glock 23 .40. Carried it for years (still do), thousands of rounds without any issues. Trust my life to it. Shoulder holster, waistband, or exposed. Under extreme stress - draw and pull the trigger - it will work, and accurately.
Glock 23 .40. Carried it for years (still do), thousands of rounds without any issues. Trust my life to it. Shoulder holster, waistband, or exposed. Under extreme stress - draw and pull the trigger - it will work, and accurately.

Or glock 32, it will punch thru car doors. MT state patrol carriers em. And you can buy the .40 barrel and change them out. I added HC mags too.
Glock 23 .40. Carried it for years (still do), thousands of rounds without any issues. Trust my life to it. Shoulder holster, waistband, or exposed. Under extreme stress - draw and pull the trigger - it will work, and accurately.

I have a 23 and the SW M&P 40c I carry.
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It looks like you didn't care for Glocks, in that case I would say to go with the m&p. I love 1911s, but I wouldn't recommend them for carry, unless you really plan to train with it a lot.
It's funny when the dude says NO GLOCKS and people start recommending them anyway :hump:

+1 on the M&P....love my .40, but I don't know how the dimentions differ compared to what you have already.
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I have handled multiple Glocks and I'm just not impressed with the way they fit my hand, so I see no point in purchasing something that doesn't fit.
It's like a bow. Go shoot everything till you find what is right for you. I didn't like the glocks either. I changed some things and added HC clips now the balance is perfect. As I have big hands also.
The Army made me carry a Beretta M9 along with my shotgun and you couldn't pay me to handle another one...lol TRUTH!! I'm happy with my M&P .40 and my LCP .380 for a sub compact (you'd be amazed at what Hornady zombiemax bullets do to a gallon jug of water at 10 yards) for when I'm wearing gym shorts or something like that. But, Colorado has open carry, so it's fun sometimes to go to walmart with my .44 mag strapped in a shoulder rig :D
I'm headed to Texas in a few months and open carry is an option there also. I know what you mean about the M9, I'm not really looking at Beretta either.
The Army made me carry a Beretta M9 along with my shotgun and you couldn't pay me to handle another one...lol TRUTH!! I'm happy with my M&P .40 and my LCP .380 for a sub compact (you'd be amazed at what Hornady zombiemax bullets do to a gallon jug of water at 10 yards) for when I'm wearing gym shorts or something like that. But, Colorado has open carry, so it's fun sometimes to go to walmart with my .44 mag strapped in a shoulder rig :D

I think "standard issues" is BS for our military and police force. Allow them to pick what fits each individual. Their life depends on it. It's the least they can do.

Back to op.....Shoot multiple guns and buy the one you shoot best. Everyone is different.
Your best bet is to get in somewhere and handle a bunch and shoot as many as you can. For what it is worth most people that don't like Glock has to do with its more swept grip angle, and the dead in the hand feel, but they are the AK of the pistol world, and most people learn to shoot them very well. I own: 3 x 1911s, Sig P226 9mm, SW MP 9mm, H&K P2000 .40, Glock 23 .40. If I had to choose one it would be the G23 or the M&P 9mm, purely from the perspective of being the most efficient tool.

I wouldn't worry too much about caliber. 9mm, 40SW, 45 ACP are all adequate, and all will punch through a car door. I do think that the 40 is a decent middle ground between capacity and energy. A good quality defense round is important, in fact the FBI just switched back to the 9mm, and that is saying something when the only reason the 40SW was designed was for their use.

Interesting fact: the DOD has done studies on average accuracy in combat, and in those studies, across all services engaged in ground combat, 10% of rounds fired in a firefight hit their target. You may see a higher hit rate inside of 7yds, but once the blood and adrenaline are pumping, things get crazy and it is all muscle memory. That being said having 13 instead of 7 sounds pretty good to me.

Whatever you buy for a pistol, get a good holster for it, and then practice getting your pistol out of it and into action. You need to practice this with a sweatshirt over it too. The pistol is worthless unless you can get it pointed in the right direction promptly. If you have plenty of time to draw, you probably had time to run away, and in most states you have a legal obligation to do so.

Also, if you are going to be using it for home defense, make sure you put a light on it. It is always a good idea to identify what you are about to shoot at.
Military and law enforcement have standardized weapons for convenience as much as anything. Caliber standardization is even more important for procuring ammo etc.

That said, I personally prefer a Ruger LCR .38 over autos. I have good autos and carried them on duty for many years. The revolvers are more fool proof and will always go bang, no matter what ammo is pushed through them. I have .45s and .40s and really like my M&P Shield .40 for concealed carry, but still prefer my revolvers. A revolver can be fired several times from a coat pocket, if necessary, where an auto will very likely jam after one shot from pocket or purse.
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