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Pistol for CCW

My P229 was originally 357 but I dropped in a 40 cal barrel for ammo considerations...I have to say taking down a Sig 229 is super fast and easy. That thing has never had a single cycling issue.
When you get your new pistol, give me a call and we can go out and "pistol whip" some targets.
Looking forward to it.
I wouldn't worry too much about pistol cartridge ballistics. They are all a compromise in power (lb ft of energy), recoil, and capacity. You need to figure out which compromise you're willing to make. Plus unless we're talking full power 10mm, none are going to stand out as "incredibly powerful".

I personally carry a G23 3rd gen in a crossbreed IWB holster. I don't really like glocks per se, or the 40 S&W, but its compatible with my business piece.
Why has nobody asked how he is planning on carrying? IMO, that is the first step, especially if you are new to carrying. Body types and attire dictate how any gun can be carried.

For me -

Sig P938 pocket carried when in in professional mode, Sig 229 IWB at 4 o'clock when wearing a sweater or not working.

I've tried ankle holsters, special holster shirts, and gave them all away. Some people love them. I would be spending my time researching carry options and holsters, not pistols. This is the ultimate ford vs Chevy vs Ram vs Toyota vs Nissan. Take your pick...
M&P Shield in a CompTac IWB tuckable (C-Tac) holster at 5 o'clock for me.
dainer has a point - I sit 3/4 of the time at work. I also wear my shirt tucked in. For 2 season's I always have a jacket or vest on so no big deal. In spring and summer tuckable holster is a must. These are all things to consider.
Takes a lot of practice to draw with different set up also.
I would suggest that you might do as I did. Go to U Tube and do an extensive review of the reviews. My decision was grounded on what the Ammo Quest guys found in an extensive test procedure and what a bunch of torture test results yielded. (Hint, Hint) It wasn't a 40 anything !

Lethal, without over penetration, is the primary issue. Yeah, stopping the Bad Guy is absolutely necessary, but dropping Granny in her tracks, with a pass through, will get you on the National News in a heart beat and a bazillion $$$ law suit !! :eek:

You're not Elk/Bear/Moose hunting, you're out to Stop a bad guy at, what, 15-20 ft, or less ?

My 380ACP, with XTP ammo, meets the FBI and International guidelines as 'more' than enough, yet not 'too' much.

Remember, it was the original 9mm Luger configuration, 9X17 as opposed to the American 9X19, and is still used throughout Europe.
My only interest in .45 is that due to the fact I already have one my ammo can be used a crossed platforms. I have nothing against other calibers, but that is my reasoning. Honestly I think it comes from my time in the military, there is something to be said about being able to cross load your loadout.
I like 45's ...they don't shrink.

I have also found it useful to pay attention to MinnesotaHunter's advice.
My only interest in .45 is that due to the fact I already have one my ammo can be used a crossed platforms. I have nothing against other calibers, but that is my reasoning. Honestly I think it comes from my time in the military, there is something to be said about being able to cross load your loadout.

I remember getting my Colt .45 in 91 in Field Med School. They broke open a crate that was date stamped from the Korean era, still in hay, and original packing grease. They had warehouses of crates of them. I was so friggin pissed when they took my Colt and issued me the piece of $hit Beretta M9. I had nothing but problems with those damned things the rest of my career and it only usually came out of its holster at qualification time and to clean it. Luckily I usually carried a long gun as well, even as a medic, so I didn't have to worry about the stupid pistol. The one time I drew it when I needed it after an IED blast that turned into an ambush in Iraq when I was out of shotgun ammo and out of my own M4 mags, the damned thing jammed after 2 shots. So, I had to start taking my buddy's M4 ammo out of his vest as he was on the ground as my patient as I was returning fire as well. So, I will never ever touch another Beretta.
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We were issued brand new M9's and my 1SG made us grab stones and polish the feed rams and slides, removing all finish. If a soldier did that now they'd receive an article 15.
Walther is making a PPQ now in .45. The 9mm is the sweetest trigger I have ever pulled. If the .45 has the same trigger......its in my safe soon.
Walther is making a PPQ now in .45. The 9mm is the sweetest trigger I have ever pulled. If the .45 has the same trigger......its in my safe soon.

One of my riding buds carries the 9 & has the same trigger opinion.
I've got the XDs 45, and hated the grip until I put a Hogue Handall Jr. on it. Completely different gun in the hand now, handles and shoots much better. I installed the narrow backstrap it comes with and put the Handall on it, and didn't even have to trim it for the backstrap safety.
Carried a 1911 45 ,then a Glock 23 in 40mm for 16 yrs on the job.
My currant carry gun is a Taurus 9mm that holds 17 and I seriously doubt I will ever need more than a couple ....It fits my big mitts nicely.
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