Yeti GOBOX Collection

Pink camo, #dadbodhunter, and a whole lotta stupid!

After watching the Farve-Rice info-mercial on copper compression knee sleeves years ago, I bought one, went for a jog ... and now have three pairs!
Then three years ago at 76, backpacked the Thorofare seven days eighty miles. Last summer over Headquarters Pass forty miles through the Bob Marshall.
Always wear them working, hiking, hunting and they do make a significant difference. Try 'em; you'll like 'em.

And, yes, ibruprofen is my friend too.
Those are great and not a bad call. I’ve been nursing a knee injury for a while now and daily run it tape.

I don’t take pharmaceuticals but had other options. It will come up. Stats was eating ibuprofen faster than his sour patch kids. This wasn’t your average hunt. I should have time to catch everyone up in the next couple days.
Back to the elk hunt where three guys do their best to fill three Wy Gen W bull tags. An adventure I will not forget and one all of our bodies are still hurting from today when we met back up in Denver. I’m just going to keep the names simple with W (sheets) and his hunting buddy J.

I will do my best to tell the whole hunt story even though some of it is second hand because of the logistics of the trip.

W and J are also letting me post their pics so it may be slow going as I sift through the photos and get it all put together.

7 days, 3 guys, 3 bull tags

Here we go!
Night one of scouting was not a complete bust but the elk only came out with less than 30 minutes of light left. I was able to grab a pic of a nice bull.
I was pretty sure this area wouldn’t get much pressure because of the location so decided to change up my scouting location Wednesday morning for the Thursday opener. I was finding and hearing elk everywhere. Right below me there were two very nice bulls hanging with a group of about a dozen cows.
Growly bull
I called this one the grey bull because the mud on his antlers made them look more grey than the other bull.
I watched their movements as the morning went on and had a pretty good plan for opening morning but checked out a few more places in the evening.

Meanwhile W&J were on their way in with three llamas we rented from Beau at Wilderness Ridge.
The guys bringing the llamas in and getting all of their camp gear carried for them!

I spotted them on a far ridge about 4pm. They made it to camp and then came out to meet me glassing. We watched the final light go down and a few animals work around. The morning was definitely more active the day before season.

Then we all hiked back to camp and talked for a bit to come up with a plan.

W and I decided to team up and go after the two bulls I spotted Wednesday morning, Joe didn’t want any of the s-storm W and I were about to put our bodies through. He decided to go check out the area further back that we didn’t think would have much pressure. Alarms were set for 5am and we called it a night.

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