Caribou Gear

Pick a state to become a resident ...

Sorry to hear about your wife. I have lost several Aunts/Uncles to that disease. In the final years you will want to be a lot closer to good med facilities than SE WY.

Her mom had it as well and they were both diagnosed at age 50. My wife is 53 now and doing pretty well. Her mom lived until she was 76 and had a good 20 years of high quality of life after diagnosis so we have a pretty good idea of what we have ahead of us.

There have been some pretty good advancements in the last 20 years so hopefully she still has a lot of good years ahead of her. My wife actually took part in a clinical drug trial and the drug worked very well for her but that phase of the drug trial is over and since it still has another year+ before final approval she can't take it anymore. The regular drug isn't working as well but she's still able to do everything for herself. Hopefully the drug she was on the trial for gets approved soon and she can go back to that.
If you need anything other than the basics, and I mean the basics, good luck.

Want a new dish washer, dryer, freezer? Well, better hop on-line or drive to Cheyenne or Fort Collins. Want to buy a new vehicle? Yep, about a 1-10 chance they MAY have something you want, if there is a dealership here that carries the vehicle you want. If not, you're heading East or South, once again.

Like Coffee shops, yeah, about 3 choices. Restaurants? Oh, about half a dozen that are worth going to twice.

This place is the dead sea for a lot of things that you SHOULD be able to get in a town this size. The City Council thwarts any kind of growth in businesses at all.

The local hospital rolls staff about every 2-3 years seems like, but again, if you need specialized care, it's close to Fort Collins and Denver.

but it's all tradeoffs still right?

i think on some levels all those inconveniences and downsides are positives when you think about all the proverbial baggage that comes with the extra restaurants and ability to buy appliances and cars in places like fort collins or further south along the front range.

it's batshit down here man. i'm often convinced i would easily forego great restaurants on every corner and a home depot down the road for some gawddamn breathing room living around laramie. my blood pressure drops the second my tires cross the state line on 287. every time.

would really miss costco though.
Alaska but I would need to know if I could live elsewhere for 3-4 months a year and keep residency

for me it's mostly wearing worn out costco underwear while buying costco underwear ;)

tall skinny dudes don't have much luck with pants at costco tbh.

except, that's a lie, i think the last 4, 5? 6?, actually, heck, maybe most of the big game animals i've killed were while wearing pants purchased at costco with a belly full of costco pizza fueling me around.
I would like to live in Wyoming given that nonresidents have to hire a guide for wilderness area hunting and it's kind of in the middle of the western states for hunting.
Let's play the hypothetical of being able to work remote and live in any Western state (lower 48) to become a resident in 2024 and beyond.
Would be considering my own hunting as well as opportunities for younger children as they grow up.
Lower 48?

Rules out AK.

MT: Family / hunt, fish, Backcountry. NW. Likely #1.

WY: Long ago I thought Dubois would be great! The mini build up JHole, unfortunately. No longer.

ID has grown Sooo damn fast from COVID remote. Not sure it's on the table for me.

UT - wife loved her time along the AZ/UT border areas! To the point... Yep. Whether I want or not, it's on OUR radar. Haha! We have family heritage with a large holding of land around Moab. Likely make something work.

I can not believe I'm saying this out loud though San Juan Islands (P-Sound), WA is on our list as well. 20+ years ago joint land investment on Orcas Island. Sell to use $ elsewhere or live.
Despise WA politics. Housing/State Tax. Hippy Greenpeace station in the area. Most are not bad, so long as they keep their rants to their forums... Haha! Pun intended.
Beautiful Sound - perfect for our boat. Lived on Whidbey Island for a year or so in my teens. Fishing was fantastic! Salmon heaven, etc. Hunting good on Orcas for deer (archery).

We've talked about Maine - Beautiful country! Though as with all my Winter snow wonderland prospects, we're contemplating buying an RV flat / manufactured home... Possibly in the general outskirt of Moab or possibly NM.

That said, not sure which we'd call official residence: Home.
for me it's mostly wearing worn out costco underwear while buying costco underwear ;)

tall skinny dudes don't have much luck with pants at costco tbh.

except, that's a lie, i think the last 4, 5? 6?, actually, heck, maybe most of the big game animals i've killed were while wearing pants purchased at costco with a belly full of costco pizza fueling me around.
I picked it a year ago. Made a ton of sacrifices to live in WY and would do it again. Would only change it to CO once I retire, but that’s a personal reason more so than an outdoors reason.
I love Montana and will likely never leave, but if I moved somewhere just for hunting, it would be Wyoming or Alaska.

I tried to "embed" on this website though I'm no IT gent... However, leave a snip program and all is fine. :)

Interesting considering a 2024 review and determined most Rocky Mountain States hold reasonable retire status.