Caribou Gear



Well-known member
Jan 8, 2015
Just checking in.
18" of snow for me since last Wed.

My loop road had been dozed and bladed 2 weeks ago for rocking...LOL
It was bone dry in Feb.,finally.
Took the Tacoma out to check e-mails and order meds.
No new starlink setup yet.

My loop is 12" deep of mud under a lite crust of snow.
Snow took down tons of trees. Heavy wet snow.
The Gila is 100% + normal as are most NM areas. The Zuni is over 200%.
Guess my rocks will come in a month, when it firms up.

Rio is doing great and had some growths removed. And his talons cut. Getting biopsy on one weird one. But he is running around and getting mud everywhere.
The road work was early since the equipment was next door, and it was so dry and warm...LOL

I have time.
Life sounds pretty good, Hank. Glad there's plenty of moisture this year and I hope your pond comes in nicely!
Thought you'd changed the name of the Pie thread. I swear we're gonna need a decoder ring and program to tell the cows from the cowboys around this joint.

;)...good hearing from you.
this is due to poor admins watching the site :) a few rules need to change or get locked down.
Had to pull the merino out,again.
15 years and I know the last hard frost is in May...
Several inches of windblown snow and it's cold again.

Been lots of elk about. Some antelope.
The cool weather grasses are growing.

At least my loop will be packed when it dries out. And the rock goes down.
Rio is sound asleep in the back of the Tacoma.
Some guy just walked out with an armful of pie boxes.
Better check if there is any left...
40 inches of snow since Feb. 36 in Dec.
4 inches yesterday morning on muddy ground. 40-50mph winds.
Just the usual NM wind today.

Took Rio to vet for a skin growth removal and check his blood.
Got the results and everything is fine. Benign growth. All markers in the boundaries.
One nurse said he was the healthiest dog they have seen in a while.
83.6 pounds...LOL

Got my bloodwork done same day.
Well, I'm not dead.
PSA is now down to .06..................amazing.
Feel great most days. Twisting in the mud does not help.
Any pain is minimal in the big picture.

Just ordered another starlink system....LOL guy can't find my house , but mars is doable....LOL
Grasses are trying to grow.
The ground is warm.
24 this morning and my loop is dry after a 4x4 battle yesterday.
Another storm due Tues.

Most moisture in winter in my 15 years here.
Lots of elk and antelope about. Deer scarce.
So are you on Starlink now, or do you have to go eat pie to get internet?

Up here we had wind, mountains got more snow. Grass in the dog yard is greening up, I now will begin work to make the brown spots have grass again. Seeing lots of deer at the lab, occasional elk. Have not been in the woods much, old York is in decline and I just can't bear to get out there without him.

So are you on Starlink now, or do you have to go eat pie to get internet?

Up here we had wind, mountains got more snow. Grass in the dog yard is greening up, I now will begin work to make the brown spots have grass again. Seeing lots of deer at the lab, occasional elk. Have not been in the woods much, old York is in decline and I just can't bear to get out there without him.

Mine died around Xmas and I ordered a business model, but they canceled my order. Seems the mars folks can't find my address after delivering here the original model 2 years ago...LOL
Yeah I'm at the Pie-o-Neer and I have new one being sent CO/ here. Maybe they can find the Pie-way again.
Peaks are all covered in snow. Can see Taylor, the Sawtooths and Escudilla in AZ.
Just a few patches left at my place.
Tons of broken trees from here to AZ.
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