Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

New Year....LOL

Damn! They steal anything?
I bet someone got a load in the drawers when Rio woke up.
My parka was still hanging on the hook over the little window.

An hour on the phone and I think I have an appt. in Eagar on the 7th for new glass.
2 claims in one day. Welcome to my world.
Duct tape if it rains until then I guess.
Searching for a place to get some pecan around TrC. I miss the hardwoods.
Every oak I have planted here has gotten mowed by elk or rats. Battling to get a few apples going.
Got a bit of pecan stacked up nothing large just small to medium limbs that came down with wind or ice I cut for the smoker. Have a old pecan grove on my property but if I make firewood from it there's been a tragedy. This first guy needs a trim. Hope the year gets better hank.20230106_102211.jpg20230106_102352.jpg20230106_102732.jpg
Hank, that's a lotta gut punches. I know you put your medical progress above all else, so handling all this while still recovering is a win. Rest and recharge tomorrow, you've earned it. Also, there is less to go wrong while @ home. Winston Churchill is often quoted as saying "When you are going through hell, keep going."
E-mail from Safelight says I'm on the books for Tues the 10th and Wed. the 11th.....LOL
Tues, is the 7th and Wed. is the 8th.

I'm going to bed and staying at home tomorrow. I barely made it back to my place our road is sooooooooo bad.
Not sure what calendar you have but those dates are correct. Unless I missed a joke somewhere.
16 when I left for the Dr visit @ 0500, no elk on the road.

Met with the pain Dr. 1st. Amazed at my lack of pain now and my general health. All smiles ,thumbs up.
She set up my video chat room with Oncologist and now I can keep her informed the same way as Dr.

He called, got me hooked up and we had a nice video talk. I'm to stop one pill and get a PSA and CBC and phosferous tested and that was a screw up in his order not me...LOL
Things look good, no side effects or issues. We will meet up every 3 months by video, unless something comes up. I get lab work,all of them, once a month in Socorro and he will monitor.
He was all smiles and that is positive in itself. Said things look good...
He was wearing a bright red sweater . LOL Casual, all business still. But he smiled.

Stopped and got the whole list done at the lab on the way home. STAT., all clear now and set up for monthly visit.

Rio and I had pizza for dinner. He is out like a light.
Safelite lady called and I'm set for both getting replaced tomorrow morning. And I get scripts refilled.

My road is finally drying out some.
Looking Good, so far.
32 this morning. 0830 I snuck out to get glass replaced in truck, without Rio.

Guy had just pulled the windshield when she got a call, I was not covered....I was a minute before.
I was told to go there. I paid with a check and she cut the cost and gave me a receipt to yell about. Saw a dozen deer behind the shop.

Pain meds were at Western Drug but the other one wasn't. Pain meds were only $11.19,my new camo work hat was $11.90.

Rio was still right were I left him on the couch. Chainsaws fixed and a bit of wood cut. Wood in for night.

Just checked email. Lab work in.
PSA is 3.5..............it was 419 in Oct. 4 is the benchmark to be looking good, like when I was 35 without stage 4 prostate cancer.
All the others are good.

Ya can't win them all. Sometimes you just get ahead. One step. One day at a time.
My luck is holding. Somewhat.
I have lost an inch & a half in height in 2 years. My bone scan shows I'm doing good for my age overall. Less than 10% chance of a break on all areas. 6% or less. Strength training and muscle building recommended with care for rest and heart health in mind.
Don't over do it, recover. Eat right and grow. Drink LOTS of Water! More milk.

I cut down an old juniper here yesterday and have a stack of rounds & cut wood.
My neighbor has rows of it along his property line and we found a way to collect it. Going to get a truck load today.
Snow starting tomorrow thru Thursday with a foot expected.
Rio had to take it easy yesterday. I have to watch him wearing himself out.
78 in the house. 32 outside and a sunny morning before the next round of weather out of the west. This batch will head south and the Gila will get some good snow.

Watching the news I have seen an increase of warnings on CANCER. Although cancer is declining overall, the number of cases of prostate & breast cancer not caught early has increased in the last year.
Prostate cancer caught too late is up 40%. Breast cancer close.

Get a check up kiddos!
Heed those warnings in your head and from the Doctor.

See you out there this next season.
I’m glad you are ok now. I know a bit, I’ve had cancer three times, non Hodgkins Lymphoma in 1990 in stage one in my thyroid which they removed. It was a golf ball size tumor and it was spreading. Prostrate cancer in 2009 and skin in 2019. I went into remission from the Lymphoma in 1991 after eight months of chemotherapy and 23 radiation treatments. The skin cancer on my face was a squamous cell and it was removed by surgery. Ok now. When the prostrate cancer was diagnosed, my daughter-in-law who is a physician, said, “just get it out”, “don’t mess with any treatments “. I did. I had some incontinence for about a month and had to wear a pad but that went away, thankfully. Now, whenever I get the results of my annual bloodwork, my PSA is 0.
I can’t be sure but the cancer could be hereditary? My dad died of liver cancer when he was 73 and my mother had breast cancer when she was in her late seventies and had a radical mastectomy on the left breast. But she lived to be 105.
I’m glad you are ok now. I know a bit, I’ve had cancer three times, non Hodgkins Lymphoma in 1990 in stage one in my thyroid which they removed. It was a golf ball size tumor and it was spreading. Prostrate cancer in 2009 and skin in 2019. I went into remission from the Lymphoma in 1991 after eight months of chemotherapy and 23 radiation treatments. The skin cancer on my face was a squamous cell and it was removed by surgery. Ok now. When the prostrate cancer was diagnosed, my daughter-in-law who is a physician, said, “just get it out”, “don’t mess with any treatments “. I did. I had some incontinence for about a month and had to wear a pad but that went away, thankfully. Now, whenever I get the results of my annual bloodwork, my PSA is 0.
I can’t be sure but the cancer could be hereditary? My dad died of liver cancer when he was 73 and my mother had breast cancer when she was in her late seventies and had a radical mastectomy on the left breast. But she lived to be 105.
Cancer in the family history. Buried both my parents in '78. 6 months of hospice...
My skin cancers have all but gone in the last 10 years.

One uncle lasted 14 years with prostate before it came back with a fury.
His brother just got a clean exam of prostate after a rebound 10 years ago. He had beat it back 35 years ago. He is cancer free and just had his 100th.

So I have a good chance with good health, exercise and rest. I am glad it never made it to my organs and I got help.
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