Physical force to terminate suspected trespass

I find it almost impossible to believe that that only thing holding people back from beating the shit out of trespassers on site was the existence of this law. Good chance we will have the opportunity to see if my faith in people is misplaced.
You underestimate the stupidity of mankind.
No but it may empower the idiots.
Exactly and now it would codify it. The first time someone physically removes someone wrongly they’re going to be putting themselves out to potential prosecution themselves and probably a massive lawsuit. This law might just be the best way ever for someone to acquire a ranch
I find it almost impossible to believe that that only thing holding people back from beating the shit out of trespassers on sight was the existence of this law. Good chance we will have the opportunity to see if my faith in people is misplaced.
As the previously posted story shows, if one party is dead, there is only one side of the story.
As the previously posted story shows, if one party is dead, there is only one side of the story.
As I previously posted, that level of stupidity was present before this legislation. Don't feel this legislation would measurably change the amount of stupid.
As I previously posted, that level of stupidity was present before this legislation. Don't feel this legislation would measurably change the amount of stupid.
Agree completely. There is no reason to have this legislation to allow the stupid to think they have new legislative rights to escalate situation based on their idea of "reasonableness".
That level of stupidity exists regardless of this legislation. I don't think this legislation will make anyone more or less stupid.

i see where you're coming from on all this.

but i can't help but think a law that specifically states "is justified in using reasonable and appropriate physical force" and "to the extent that it is reasonably necessary to terminate what the owner .... reasonably believes to be the commission of a criminal trespass" we have a problem.

the bolded words are what already cranky landowners want to see and will see. you can put the words "reasonable" and "reasonably" in the bill a thousand times over but that's what people will see. we have quite a few examples of landowners getting very boldly in peoples faces in wyoming believing they have exclusive rights to land that they don't.

if this bill only results in one landowner feeling empowered to vigilantism simply because he believes he's right, than that's still too many. from watching afar it seems there are lots of landowners that truly "believe" people are trespassing on land that they're actually allowed on. if just a few falsely interpret and believe just a little bit that the law is more on their side, that may be more empowerment than we want.

tldr: i suspect there are plenty of landowners who will not reasonably interpret this bill. 99% of em won't even read it. they'll just hear about it. what i'm really worried about is the landowners that already harass people who aren't trespassing. they're already clearly confused or willfully ignorant on the current law; if they feel even a inch more empowered that's really bad.
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if this bill only results in one landowner feeling empowered to vigilantism simply because he believes he's right, than that's still too many. from watching afar it seems there are lots of landowners that truly "believe" people are trespassing on land that they're actually allowed on. if just a few falsely interpret and believe just a little bit that the law is more on their side, that may be more empowerment than we want.

tldr: i suspect there are plenty of landowners who will not reasonably interpret this bill. 99% of em won't even read it. they'll just hear about it. what i'm really worried about is the landowners that already harass people who aren't trespassing. they're already clearly confused or willfully ignorant on the current law; if they feel even a inch more empowered that's really bad.
It is possible that all these cranky Wyoming landowners will gather vigilantly posses and start kicking the crap out of law abiding hunters. Just don't think that is likely.

I don't agree with the standard that if even one person acts like a fool we should not have legislation, regulation, rules, etc. If we applied the one stupid person standard to everything else, not much would get done or happen in this world.

I also understand peoples concern with this legislation. Just happen to disagree.

I think the Bill is foolish and unnecessary and is wasting valuable time. This is what I have communicated to my Reps. So far it has not convinced then to kill it.
It is possible that all these cranky Wyoming landowners will gather vigilantly posses and start kicking the crap out of law abiding hunters. Just don't think that is likely.

i don't really think that would be what happens.

more thinking if Grende had a slightly different mindset during the elk mountain ranch debacle. what if he kinda felt that the law gave him the power to essentially view his airspace as though it fell under some sort of castle doctrine. "that guy just hopped our corner, he trespassed, let's go drag him out by the collar boys" oof that would be a bad situation with armed folks all around.

sounds like it's all moot anyway!

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