PETA drone plans discussed


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2011
Perhaps coming to a sky near you.........

"We're not releasing the locations that we have in mind, but we will look into the Northeast, bighorn sheep hunts and bowhunts because those are especially cruel," she says.

The group may want to carefully monitor its drone—last year, an animal rights group drone was shot down while it was attempting to monitor pigeon hunters in South Carolina
Will be interesting if they start spooking game away from hunters. As in South Carolina I'm guessing they may lose a few more.
Interesting indeed. I don't know how effective they think they are going to be if they can only be in the air for 5 minutes with a decent camera.
wow. Yes I can see them taking heavy fire if they are "molesting" someones hunt. ( how far would I need to lead those?) lol
The incident in South Carolina, occurred about 15 miles from my house at Broxton Bridge Plantation. The animal rights group was trespassing on the plantation's property in the first place, and secondly South Carolina has laws against harassing hunters. If PETA or any other group does actually engage in this activity, under SC law, hunters will have every right to shoot the drones down. BTW, in the previous incident, it was a hobby kit aircraft with a miniature camera attached; not exactly what could legitimately be designated as a drone.

I believe any of these drones would be a lot less expensive to have mounted than an actual trophy animal, so if they do go through with their plans I'd expect many of them to end up on hunter's walls!
My new hunting rifle...

That has got to be the dumbest thing I've read in a while. The logistics of this kind of operation makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. IF they ever get this going, my guess is they'll be receiving more citations for interfering with hunts than they will catch illegal hunting activities.
Not to mention if they want to "check" on sheep hunts they'll have to follow one specific hunter wherever he goes. I don't think they would pack in and wait for someone to show up. With the limited airtime and range they would have to almost be with the hunter from the start.
yes, this would be a stretch at best. . . .however, if Pam Anderson wanted to follow me on a hunt. . .I'M IN!!!! lol ( she is a spokesperson for those idiots)
WOW... just think of all the time and money that these organizations like PETA could spend on legitimate animal abuse issues if they would just stop pursuing crap like this!
Don't think I would hesitate to sky blast one of those things if they were messing with my hunt!
cjcj, I think we should have a separate class for each weapon. Now, how do we figure out minimum score for each class for a shooter to make "book"? ;)

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