perspective humor to help the apoplectic thru the interregnum

Wonderful and so hope it is true. Some of their cronies will still pay out $500,000.

Good thing this came up between drinks or I would have spit on the screen.
First brainstorming session for the Chelsea 2018 campaign...

That's some scary shit right there. But probably true.

Kid probably doesn't want to but with dad's sweet-talking and mom's cut-throat manipulation and threats, she'll probably cave in and start the scheming.
I don't condone the physiognomy shaming but 'lil Chels' put herself out there with the prevaricated grift "pay and pay some more for play" annuity. They might have to lay her off in about 300 years.
I don't condone the physiognomy shaming but 'lil Chels' put herself out there with the prevaricated grift "pay and pay some more for play" annuity. They might have to lay her off in about 300 years.

Great, oppose her on issues, behavior, values, beliefs. Lots not to like about her. Lots to like about her.

To stand silently while sexist comments are made should not be something anyone tolerates.
What part of 'I don't condone' is silent maestro? I don't have a Clinton alert on my tapatwit.
But don't worry, we're handing Gov Smart Glasses the keys to the Nuclear Arsenal

ugh.....point awarded Ben. I'd bet Goodhair had to google his prospective appointment.