Kenetrek Boots

Peregrine Fund's New Video on Non-Lead Projectiles

Not trying to start a fight, but I thought this was an interesting film on the effects of lead ammo on wildlife.

Chris is one of the best. A deep thinker, a great communicator, and just all around one of the coolest MF's out there. In 2016 he was tabling at the BHA Rendezvous and we started to chat. I had been reading a bunch of studies but something just didn't make sense to me with respect to CA Condors. I said, "I don't get Finkelstein (the study), the data doesn't make sense, with the implementation of Ridley-Tree (creation of the Condor-Zone in CA) LBLS dropped in resident and migratory turkey vultures and golden eagles by a sizeable amount, but nothing for the condors. Something doesn't add up and it feels like BS".

He got a big shit eating grin on his face and said "I love we people do their homework, we're gonna be friends" and we have been ever since. Non-lead bullets have grown in (organic) popularity because of Chris and the messaging of education, not regulation. He's covered tens of thousands, if not a hundred thousand miles in his truck showing up at sportsman's shows, rod and gun clubs, legislative and enforcement bodies to educate people and one by one he has. He won't hate, insult or belittle you if you won't use non-lead, he just wants to share information and let folks come to their own conclusions on their own terms and not be forced. Glad to see him still reaching and audience.
Switched to Copper a few years ago and haven't looked back. I see a hell of a lot of eagles, both golden and bald, eating antelope carcasses where I do most of my pronghorn hunting. The baldies have exploded in my lifetime, but the Goldens aren't doing well. I was glad to make the switch and have convinced several others to do the same.
Chris is one of the best. A deep thinker, a great communicator, and just all around one of the coolest MF's out there. In 2016 he was tabling at the BHA Rendezvous and we started to chat. I had been reading a bunch of studies but something just didn't make sense to me with respect to CA Condors. I said, "I don't get Finkelstein (the study), the data doesn't make sense, with the implementation of Ridley-Tree (creation of the Condor-Zone in CA) LBLS dropped in resident and migratory turkey vultures and golden eagles by a sizeable amount, but nothing for the condors. Something doesn't add up and it feels like BS".

He got a big shit eating grin on his face and said "I love we people do their homework, we're gonna be friends" and we have been ever since. Non-lead bullets have grown in (organic) popularity because of Chris and the messaging of education, not regulation. He's covered tens of thousands, if not a hundred thousand miles in his truck showing up at sportsman's shows, rod and gun clubs, legislative and enforcement bodies to educate people and one by one he has. He won't hate, insult or belittle you if you won't use non-lead, he just wants to share information and let folks come to their own conclusions on their own terms and not be forced. Glad to see him still reaching and audience.
Pays to be well informed and NOT LIE to people about the benefits of both. I've been in heated discussions with pro-lead and anti-lead advocates both, defending the other side's choices. They both have distinct advantages and disadvantages. But a person has to be able to be objective to recognize that. I have personally seen way more stunning DRT moments with lead bullets, but switching to non-lead has not caused me any mental anguish or lost animals.

Consider where we've come from as it could inform where we should go.

Good video. Gets the point across without preaching.

I had my own road to Damascus moment after watching a golden eagle pick apart the remnants of a deer carcass the day after I’d killed the deer with a sierra game king. Been shooting Barnes since.

I don’t begrudge folks who want to shoot lead, as there seems to be some advantages. However, the environmental and health benefits of hunting with monos seem pretty clear.