People have too much money..

The very best wild elk meat would be if bulls could be taken in late july as they are in their prime condition then getting ready for rut[course we all know that'll never happen] They lose up to 30-40% of their weight and more when they get poontang on their minds. This is true of wild and farmed elk both. Cows are not effected nearly as much but rut as the bulls and they should be best about Sept as they should have weaned calves by then and put on some weight for winter.They also have to be in good condition during rut or they will not breed [wild or farmed]. Curly you are right about one of the main reasons for gamey taste is the shit care some guys take of their meat but rut is still the main factor in body conditioning and therefore a part of flavorof the meat.I doubt you'd be "too flavoraful" after 2-3 months of solid chasing poontang day and night. hehehehe Later Ol Bob
Ol Bob, maybe I'll have to try some July elk someday. I guess I've been lucky with the bulls I've eaten that were in the rut; they tasted wonderful and if elk can taste better than that I'd like to try it. But I still don't like the idea of elk farming, but if it is done in states like TX it is better than if it were done in CO.
People that have too much money includes everyone that has more money That's includes the Moooseman, so start coughing up some gas money moosie!
!!!LOL!!! Keith...

You will get to chase them next year in a good area, and deer in your back yard for the shooting and hanging... :D
That's good to know about the July better taste. That means those exotic deer I killed a few weeks ago should be in prime shape for taste. Ol Bob's reasoning and experience is worth something, I don't know what, but something. haha
its funny sometimes what makes people tick. I have more people drive by and stop to see the elk, something they couldn't normally do. I have yet to have anyone really give me a hard time about fencing in elk. i am sure there are some around here that disagree with it, as there are on this board.

for a comparison, i drive by this place as i have for the last 13 yrs to work. and every year he buys about 1000 turkey chicks in the spring. and they are all gone by turk-day. They are in a pen that is lass than an acre. this is on a main rout, with ~20,000 cars a day going by. and nobody says nothing. not me, cause i could care less. but lets say i take this same size pen and put 10 elk bulls for butcher in there. how many complaints would i be getting?
Curly said:
Ol Bob, maybe I'll have to try some July elk someday. I guess I've been lucky with the bulls I've eaten that were in the rut; they tasted wonderful and if elk can taste better than that I'd like to try it. But I still don't like the idea of elk farming, but if it is done in states like TX it is better than if it were done in CO.

"if it is done in states like Tx it is better than if it were done in CO."

How so?
ELKfarmer, thats a Dang good thought for the day........ thanx.

Smalls : "People that have too much money includes everyone that has more money"

Money is Relivant, We jsut signed a 300k deal witha guy that owns 2 BILLION $ in realestate assets. he is 60 somethnig and runs 100 miles an hour.. FAST.. FAST ..FAST... Let's jsut say if I owned a Fraction of that I'd be staying at home lazy in bed eating bon bon's ;)
Noharley, my thinking is that TX has no wild elk and CO does have wild elk. No chance of the farm elk spreading disease to the wild elk if there are no wild elk around.
Curly, Texas has wild elk, just not many. Here's a place with some,

We have a lot of high fence properties too, about 2%, and a lot of species, and a lot of good management, and a lot of hunting, so, the fenced animal and even fenced big animals, like elk, is more accepted here, I think. I agree with you, its easier to do well here, than, say, Colorado.
My place is on a really busy highway and I've had visitors stop by from vitually every state and several foreign countries so says my guest book. I've NEVER had anyone give me a hard time about the elk or any of my other species except maybe my rattlesnakes. Yep, we got them too. I have about 150 diamondbacks in a 5 foot deep above ground tank about 30 feet in diameter with rocks dirt, cactus, etc in it for habitat. I get questioned a lot "eeeeuuuuu, why do you have them"? My answer is, "for the kids to see them that might never have a chance to see them and " for city slickers like you". I call it my goobers' petting zoo.
Tom, there is also a free ranging herd up in the Panhandle above Dimmitt. They have been there for many years. Probably originated out of New Mexico.
Noharleyet, you know that most people that put down Texas haven't ever been here. Sure we got a few bad things here and so has every other state, they're called Democrats.
Curly said:
Noharley, my thinking is that TX has no wild elk and CO does have wild elk. No chance of the farm elk spreading disease to the wild elk if there are no wild elk around.

Good point Curly. Hasn't that allegedly happened in Colorado?

Thanks for the clarification btw.
BbarC said:
Sure we got a few bad things here and so has every other state, they're called Democrats.

You got that right. We have way more here than any state has a right to have. They should be placed in a high fence.:D

That is one of the reasons I moved out of that area...

To many people leaning the wrong way, trying to dictate to others what they should do with their lives, not listening to their own advise...

They want to mandate to many things, (tree cutting for example) but still utilize all of the benefits from such endevours.

They have a fit if some one else wants to build a house, but see nothing wrong with the one they live in, and the traffic is just to far into the toilet because you can't build another road in my back yard, or even widen the one that is plugged with traffic because it may affect the children...

I could name hundreds more things about that area that I really disliked and it all had to do with the people filling it up... But I won't.. :)
Come on over, the water is fine.. :D

As much as I'd like to move over there now, I'll probably have to keep Montana as an option when I retire.......... Hopefully in 17 - 20 years (unless I hit the lottery; of course that would mean I'd have to play the lottery).:D
LOL... I don't know if there is a lot of Bass, but there are plenty of other things to catch... :D
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