I just got back from the SCI Convention in Nashville. Great show and the night life was fun too. I am not generally a water buffalo fan but dang. Does this beast freak any of you out or is it just me? This will be the world record once confirmed
Whoever shot that had a good day! Water buffalo are domesticated in so many countries I used to think of it like you’d be shooting cattle. But I’m realizing there a lots of true wild water buffalo out there. Australia has lots of them. They are a little cheaper than cape buffalo. I’m starting to rethink this. Maybe I do want to put one of these on my wish list.
I got invited once by the father of a friend to hunt those Vancouver Cattle on
the slopes of Mauna Kea in Hawaii. Really thought that’d be interesting to stalk feral cattle in the jungle. Couldn’t make it though as the (ex)wife said I’d be ruining our honeymoon by going hunting…go figure. Shoulda saw that red flag right then and there!