NM elks...

I don't know if it's the undeniable authenticity of your writing style, or the genuineness of your love for your friends, your land, or Rio, but this is easily one of my favorite threads every year. You bring something different and very real to HT Hank, and I really appreciate you letting us catch a glimpse of your slice of the pie.

the narrative makes me feel like i'm reading a mccarthy novel, yet its still his own. some of the best stuff on HT.
I don't know if it's the undeniable authenticity of your writing style, or the genuineness of your love for your friends, your land, or Rio, but this is easily one of my favorite threads every year. You bring something different and very real to HT Hank, and I really appreciate you letting us catch a glimpse of your slice of the pie.
I thank you sir for the kind words.

Just a old hunter/fisherman...a woodsman, grandpa would say.

I found HT in the Moosie days. As I was about to retire as a Park Ranger.
I'd sit in my kiosk and wait for boats to inspect for invasive critters.
They forced me to learn 'puter and put an old one in there.
Incident reports, time cards, yada yada...I also looked for property in NM and check HT. NHY was there.

I found this little slice of heaven.
Fast forward a few years and I meet Randy one day. In Pie Town.
We met again when he came back for a antelope hunt and he sold me a used pack.
I gave a hand on his hunt with Corey.
We have become friends. And not just internet friends.
There are several I have met or not yet. Friends.

For years I scouted for little slices of public lands to hunt solo. All over the west.
Just like you folks.
There are some on here that I call the real deal. More than one would think.
I don't come close to the hunts.

But I have been there, done that.
Don't know how many times I have said "No one will believe that".
Or was lucky, to be alive.

I am a lucky guy.

I live with an old dog I found at the pound and share this place.
This place some degraded me for moving to.
140 acres fenced with a windmill well. A road in you could use at times.

I would not take a nickle nor a million dollars for it.
I have friends to share it with. And many more years to do so.

Just gotta stay positive and move forward.
Going to go check if I can score a slice of pie.
After I go to town and check the mail and pick up some bales of alfalfa for the critters.
Winter solstice soon. Post hunts ritual.
They give me my calm.
They deserve a good life too.

I have the Habitat Enhancement forms to fill out and the rest.
Putting in for bulls here for a change next year.
Mule deer.
I have a great place picked out to sit in the truck with Rio and glass. Go put on a quick stalk.

Thank you Randy and HT.

As my Chief would say, "It's all gravy now".
Rio got a check up today. Great shape for an old guy. 6 hr trip.
We finished off the elk neck pot roast and have a nice fire going.

Piles of split firewood.
A whole beef prime rib to break down tomorrow.

Raining tonight but we will have a white Christmas.
2 bales to put out when it firms up.
A cold clear Winter Solstice.

Merry Christmas from the ranch.
Merry Christmas to you and Rio, Hank! Going to smoke a prime rib roast here for Christmas but we're going to be mid 50s and rain. No snow in the extended forecast.
Joining in with the Merry Christmas wishes! Maybe so maybe not on the snow up here. Being a bit lazy, instead of prime rib we are doing steaks. Hope to see you next week!

Rio has a fan club in Los Lunas.
The old guy is a chick magnet too.
The referral was golden.
1st patient of the day in a big empty waiting room,he had 3 assistants petting and giving him hugs.
I filled out paperwork, jealous....LOL
Got him on the scale, 81 lbs.
We get shown into a room. A young guy takes more info and says the Dr. has a call and will be in shortly. He takes Rio for a claw trim...good luck.LOL.
I'm in the room alone and can hear outside. 10 minutes later I'm wondering if they are going to put me down and take my dog.
The door opens and the young guy lets Rio lead the way,the cute young Vet follows. She apologizes for the wait.
I just say ,"These places can be traumatizing for some."
Rio buries his head in her crotch....LOL She just gives him a hug.

Anthony of Los Lunas Doberman rescue is a local hero. He gave me the referral and said this Dr. is real good with them.

She is good.
I can tell by the way she checks him out. Totally at ease. He almost outweighs her.
The skin tags are benign. But she will give him a full blood work up next month if I wish. He has a good heart.

It is when I come for my 1st visit with the primary care Doctor I have been assigned to here.
Rio gives me a stare and barks.
Time to go.
We get new joint treats and I pay up as Rio pulls this way and that on his leash. He can smell the breakfasts the delivery guy has and makes a friend.
Doc says she and her husband have a trip to Pie Town planned next week.
The assistant has an aunt in Quemado.
Hand shakes and goodbyes. More hugs for Rio.

Driving out through a small town busting it's seams in a small body, a big city filling it. Have not been in it in 10 years.
We stop at every signal. We get honks and waves. Rio is riding the console as usual.
A deputy pulls up at the next signal. He motions to roll down the window. I comply and he says,"Beautiful dog". Rio barks.
His Dobie responds from the rear and he opens the window. Smiles and stumps wiggling in both vehicles. Happy barks.

We get to hwy 60 and we make it to the break spot.
Rio of course finds a elk carcass some one dumped. He tries to get back in with a chunk and we go round and round the truck. He finally drops it and jumps in. Stinking now.
It rains the whole way across the Plains and home.

I went to bed at 7pm...LOL
Just got up to rekindle the fire and let Rio out. He was barking close, so the elk have found the alfalfa next to my truck.
Nice warm fire going now and Rio is dreaming next to me. Chasing bad guys in his sleep.
Greeted the morning with freezing fog. Hoar frost on everything.

8am I get a call. Or Rio did.
Post visit welfare check from hospital.

"Uh, he's fine."

I did not get any such service in my Dr./nurse visits recently.
Maybe I should be more aggressive with my nurses. LOL
I'll dump the bales later today and take mid winter water level pics for G&F. Before everything is covered in snow again.
Next spring I'll rake up the stems and elk raisins. Compost for my fruit trees.

Been seeing more deer tacks around again. Some good buck sets.
They love the 4wing salt brush I seeded. Sheep sorrel and winterfat is abundant again.

Have to get the riparian cage plans out of my head and on paper. New pics printed. The whole shebang.
E-plus called back and I have a couple weeks.
Need to keep the score up.
Show them this is habitat.

Maybe I can get an elk biologist to come see....................................naah. LOL

I'm pretty sure I have it figured out.

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