Caribou Gear Tarp

Pawn shop guns


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2013
Was happily surprised took a couple old relics to my local pawn shop today. A bolt action single shot .22 and an old pump 20g with no choke options. These were old guns like the ones if they do t work you could just hit them with it. Weighed more than three guns should. Got 150 for the two and bought a youth model mossberg 20g off the guy for the kids. Already have a turkey choke on the way for it. Anyone else have good luck with pawn shop gun finds?
Got my oldest son a stoeger 3” 12 ga. auto for a hundred bucks several years ago. They said it wouldn’t cycle, just needed a good cleaning. My best find was 5 yrs. ago. Springfield Trophy Match 1911 $250. I wouldn’t eject, took me 5 minutes to fix. Nicest pistol I own.
Oh man, I found a factory new custom shop xp 100 in 6br one time. With a 2x7 Burris pistol scope.

They had a $700 tag on it.

I told the guy it was more of a 600 gun.

He said Sold!

He went in the back and came out with a hard case, brass, ammo, and dies.

Must have sat there for awhile.

That kinda stuff never happens to me.

When I was in college, I bought a Winchester model 1400 12 gauge at one of those pawn shops right in downtown Missoula. $150.00. I used it for hunting ducks and grouse while I lived out there, then sold it for $150.00 when I moved back east. I feel like I got more than my money's worth out of it!

I always remember the guy at the pawn shop rolling his eyes at me because I was worried about walking back to the car (couple blocks away) with the uncased shotgun. He gave me an old gun sock, which I still have.
In the early 90's I bought a Remington 700 30-06 from a pawn shop in Copperas Cove, TX. That rifle was just dead-on balls accurate! I married a woman a few years later that I should have known nor to. Since our divorce many years ago I've forgive nearly every transgression she committed but I'll go to my grave hating her for selling that gun while I was gone.
Not sure why but I’ve always liked some really ugly guns. When I learned about the Savage 340 .30/30 bolt action, I just had to have one. Passed on a few over the years between $200-300 that just never felt right or I didn’t have the cash at the time.

When moving my fiancé (now wife) home from college, we had to return the uhaul. Uhaul place happened to be a pawn shop. While they were bringing up my bill, I was perusing the rifle rack when I spotted it. A savage 340 with nothing missing or added extra in need of a good refinishing to both wood and metal. Price tag was $175. The owner caught me looking and asked if I needed to take it with me. I told him for 50 under that price I could be persuaded to fill out the paperwork.

It’s still one of my favorite guns to go out and shoot with. Fun one to shoot steel with past 100 yards using the irons and some Kentucky windage. Not sure how, but I’ve shot a near perfect cloverleaf with that rifle at 100yards using just its irons. Wish I would have kept the target as no one who sees the rifle believes me. Haven’t put it back on paper to try it again yet though.
Timely post, was just at the local pawn shop today and was looking. Had a few that were interesting for maybe a rebore job, like a 338-06 or 35 Whelen. Might have to go back and take a closer look.

Did pick up a Win Model 54 '06 with a 4 digit serial number when I was in college for $125, the gun shop owner didn't like Winchesters, killed a few elk with that rifle. Could have had a Ruger Red Label 20ga for $500 from the same shop about the same time. Still kick myself for not getting it.
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There is some crap in the shops, and there is some treasure.

Some of the treasures look like crap. Some of crap appear to be treasures.

I recently found a PO Ackley built target rifle on consignment. It has a story.

I'll share some pics when I get some time.
Not sure why but I’ve always liked some really ugly guns. When I learned about the Savage 340 .30/30 bolt action, I just had to have one. Passed on a few over the years between $200-300 that just never felt right or I didn’t have the cash at the time.

When moving my fiancé (now wife) home from college, we had to return the uhaul. Uhaul place happened to be a pawn shop. While they were bringing up my bill, I was perusing the rifle rack when I spotted it. A savage 340 with nothing missing or added extra in need of a good refinishing to both wood and metal. Price tag was $175. The owner caught me looking and asked if I needed to take it with me. I told him for 50 under that price I could be persuaded to fill out the paperwork.

It’s still one of my favorite guns to go out and shoot with. Fun one to shoot steel with past 100 yards using the irons and some Kentucky windage. Not sure how, but I’ve shot a near perfect cloverleaf with that rifle at 100yards using just its irons. Wish I would have kept the target as no one who sees the rifle believes me. Haven’t put it back on paper to try it again yet though.
I had one as well. Picked it up at a gun show. Fun gun to shoot. I sold it to my brother, he let our little sister use it to shoot her first deer, then sold it to a coworker who sold it to our uncle. It’s been around the circle of family and friends.
Just got a Savage 340 30/30 today from an auction house for not too much. Managed to get the ugly scope and mount that was listed separately as well. Cleaned it all up, replaced the Pine Ridge scope that has the crosshairs in an x pattern with an old Redfield Widefield 3 x9. Hoping for good things at the range. When I was young and dumb, Pawn shops made money off me. Not anymore. They are in business to make money so I dont blame them. They usually will dicker a little.
Was happily surprised took a couple old relics to my local pawn shop today. A bolt action single shot .22 and an old pump 20g with no choke options. These were old guns like the ones if they do t work you could just hit them with it. Weighed more than three guns should. Got 150 for the two and bought a youth model mossberg 20g off the guy for the kids. Already have a turkey choke on the way for it. Anyone else have good luck with pawn shop gun finds?
Was that .22 bolt smooth bore or rifled?
Norinco SKS. Everything on it original. Slightly rough shape

175. We talked about gun and ammo prices and he said it makes him he sold it to me cheap lol
1975 I walked into the Butte Woolworths and found a 94 30-30 in the huge used rack for $25 and a brand new Beaver Hats cowboy hat for $75.
It was the day Nixon resigned and the whole town turned into a street party.

I still have both.
I did have the 94 in a pawn shop one weekend for tickets to John Prine. I picked it up the next week, $100.
Several years ago, I walked into a local pawnshop and saw a left hand Remington 700 LSS in 300 RUM on the rack. I had the same model in 300 RUM and 300 WM at home. I ended returning with my WM and trading it for the RUM.

Before I left, the owner mentioned that he had a second lefty LSS in the back in 30-06 from the same guy. I had been looking for one of those for its action (this was prior to the time bare Remington receivers were readily available and before I knew much about custom actions). Anyway, I got it, too. It took me a while to do anything with it but I finally had it and a bunch of parts dropped off at the gunsmith’s a couple of weeks ago to become a 280 AI.
I found a Marlin 336 in 35 rem wearing a 1.5x5 Leopold scope in see through mounts for $500. The scope is worth almost as much as the gun. All I had to do to it was change out those see through mounts.EECD75D6-37B9-4F01-A76E-3D6A9E22B865.jpeg
Brand new youth rem 700 in 7mm-08. 300 bucks. Gun shoots sub 1.5 usually and sub 1 for 3 shots on a good day.