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Pawn shop guns

Back in the late 80’s my dad picked up a Winchester M70 carbine in .30-06. Even with a wood stock and a Leupold VX3 it’s sub 7 pounds. Shoot lights out for a 3 shot group, then understandably starts to open up.

Lots of meat put into the freezer with that rifle, between dad and myself. It’s in my safe now, and am waiting on some Lapua brass to really get going on developing a load for it.
Was happily surprised took a couple old relics to my local pawn shop today. A bolt action single shot .22 and an old pump 20g with no choke options. These were old guns like the ones if they do t work you could just hit them with it. Weighed more than three guns should. Got 150 for the two and bought a youth model mossberg 20g off the guy for the kids. Already have a turkey choke on the way for it. Anyone else have good luck with pawn shop gun finds?
Honestly, there are still lot of great deals to be done at a pawn shop. Great deal, mate.
I've occasionally explored pawnshops, for the shnitz n giggles of it. Purchased a saddle... and a colt .22 revolver for grouse. Nothing really special. I recall a police friend finding my 870 shotgun at a pawnshop. They wanted to sell it to me when I showed them the police report with the serial #... Thankfully the police seized the firearm and released it at the station.

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