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Partial List of Things I Don't Get

Another thing I don't get and can't believe it. People that watch reality T.V. (real housewives and Kardashian shit) I can not believe that crap is on TV. That being said my wife loves that shit, and I immediately exit the room. Eff that
Another thing I don't get and can't believe it. People that watch reality T.V. (real housewives and Kardashian shit) I can not believe that crap is on TV. That being said my wife loves that shit, and I immediately exit the room. Eff that

Same situation here. 😒 I have a laptop with headphones to watch good stuff while she watches old women fighting in prom dresses.
1. Ordering a large Loaded Pizza and a diet pop/soda. makes no sense.

2. Safe spaces on a College Campus

3. Lululemon "menswear"

4. Camo long Johns/Underwear

5. People who voluntarily watch Buck McNeely videos

6. Mystery Ranch Quick Draw rifle sling, it sucks
From what I’ve come to understand, sushi just about anywhere is as fresh as anywhere else given FDA freezing requirements for consuming raw fish
Sorry but the joke when you live on the water is “never buy seafood from a truck with Arkansas license plates”.

Yes, I am sure the FDA is correct (per safe handling, not best tasting).
I do not own a 6.5 Creedmore. I have other low recoil rifles though—-.223, 22LR, .243 and such in addition to larger calibers. Honestly what makes a 6.5 Creedmore a round for wussies? I don’t understand it.
1. Theoretical physics. How can a particle be generated from empty space? Does empty space even exist, or is it full of things we can't perceive, and nothing really comes from nothing? Is anti-matter only "anti" because we lack the senses to quantify it?
2. E-Bikes
Some things I don't understand:

1- You drive on a Parkway, but you park on a driveway
2- Why did the Kamikaze Pilots wear a helmet
3- "For sale by owner" signs- Who else would be selling it- The neighbor??
4- Why did the natives build the 100 foot high wall to keep King Kong out, but put in a 100 foot high gate that they have to hurry up and close when Kong is coming? Why not just a solid wall with a small door so the natives can get through to the other side?
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