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Partial List of Things I Don't Get

Ice fishing is great because, if you're willing to work and drag your sled, you typically find the good bite. Ice opens the whole lake up to you. Fish tend to taste better in cold water. It's a challenge. The buffer of being cold often times keeps the uninitiated away and the lake to yourself.

Plus, what else are you going to do in the dead of winter?
Some years ago I would have said that sex is what you do in the a heated Ice Shack.
Chihuahua = high strung, hostile, short-haired squirrel whose noise level is in no way commensurate to their size. Worse than cats or labradoodles. Yet people love them. I had a girlfriend years ago, her Chihuahua was constantly an issue.
We had one show up in my hood once (first development outside of town) and the neighbor across the road adopted it. Said it took it a while for it to even warm up to her husband but would bark and go crazy every time it saw me outside.

1. How anyone can listen to Reba McIntyre (or any similarly twangy) and not want to drive ice picks into their ears

2. WTF are people going UNDER the speed limit doing in the passing lane?

3. Gauges in ones ears.....beside looking just about as stupid as humanly possible, what EVER made these folks think it was OK and since when is it not OK to tell them how idiotic it is?

4. White folks with dreadlocks......see #3

5. People who support abortion but then want gun control to "protect innocent children"

6. Why I can't use use pelletized powder in a muzzleloader in CO

7. Why anyone would drink mass produced American "beer" (Bud, Miller, Coors Light) on purpose when there is Allgauer Hefe or Winter Warlock to be had...

8. How anyone cannot be a dog person ;)
I'm not a big fan of Reba either but I can listen to some old country like Don Williams.
I thought I'd add:

Molly Ringwald. If you're from a younger generation you might not know who that is, but I assure you she is not a good actress and is not hot. Yet she was in a lot of movies in the 80's in which we were supposed to pretend she was both, for some reason.
I think someone is protesting a bit too much...LOL
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