Partial List of Things I Don't Get

1. How a wife who read "50 Shades of Grey" thinks she can say anything to me about looking at a woman jogging.
2. Why people have political arguments. I never saw one change someone's mind. (Discussions yes. Arguments no.)
3. Why an inseason bear tag in my pocket is a natural bear repellent.
4. And how in the hell do people who spend 3 days a year in PA woods see so many Mt. Lions.
1) Why I still click on the comments section for articles about recent bear attacks... Give the delicious grizzly meat to the poor guy’s family.
What I don't get:
Laid since I shipped my last woman back home

I don't get men who have multiple rifles but not multiple female companion options....;)

If I may add:

Why bitching about stuff we don't understand makes us feel better.
Why listening to sad songs makes you feel better
Why dogs put up with us.
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1) Birthday cake. Pie is so much more awesome. Birthday pie made from scratch.
2) $60,000 4WD trucks. That is a luxury vehicle. Why the 4WD? Is it ever leaving the paved road?
3) Wyoming wilderness rule for non-residents. Let's recap. I can fish 150 days as an out-of-state visitor in a wilderness yet as soon as I grab a gun to hunt deer in that same wilderness then my ability to survive craters. Call is what it is, Economic Welfare for Outfitters Act Funded by Non-Residents.
4) Oregon F&G allotment for NR. Are even less tags to draw than appears for deer and elk.
5) Idaho F&G failing to release cumulative draw odds for all NR applicants for moose and goat and sheep so every year there is the guy saying the odds for a unit last year were 1 in 3 so has 33% odds to get that moose tag this year. Yeesh. Add up all NR tags awarded and all NR tags then divide. Yep, never 33% ever for the Big 3.
6) Camo accessories that typically are easy to loose such as a knife or GPS. Make mine bright orange.
7) Why does commercial dehydrated food include Turbo Fart additives in each serving?
8) Lawn chairs to claim a water hole all season in Arizona.
9) Trailers to claim a campsite all season in Utah.
10) Grizzly bears that ask if you are really there for the hunting.
Pie over cake every time. Apple, peach, blueberry, sweet potato, pumpkin. Don’t matter still better than cake.
Country & Western Music - or whatever else you want to call that crap. It's like old people fornicate....slow and jerky! :giggle:

Those who fall all over themselves to get in line to buy a 6.5 Man-bun (Creedmoor) when the 6.5x55 Swede is every bit as good and was first made over 100 years ago in the 1890's. The ballistics are about the same for the two so in over 100 years there is not a bit of improvement over the Swede gem..

Folks who don't like wild game meat and yet have never had it before, or even if they have, their pre-assumptions trump everything so wild game is not given a fair shake and actually tried first.

Those folks who cannot imagine owning one, a standard factory rifle, or having a custom rifle made on a Winchester Model 70 controlled round feed action Pre-64 or later model as it isn't a good action.

Why the Ruger #1 single shot rifles are not at the top of the list as one of the classiest rifles ever made.
-Braille on the keypad of a drive up ATM
-Photos where someone is holding the fish/game out as far as possible to make it look bigger
Compound bow hunters who tell you that rifle hunting is too easy/cheating and that you should get a bow... and then when you show up to an elk hunt with a longbow tell you to get a compound, because "you will never kill anything with that".

you know, on that note and closely related

bow hunters, who have actually never killed a bull elk with a bow or rifle, constantly talking about the superiority of bow hunting and won't stoop to trying it with a rifle -- seems to be a relatively common attitude among younger colorado elk hunters i'm finding
-Pickers eaters. Suck it up and eat what’s in front of you.

-People that feed their kids nothing but chicken nuggets, chips, crackers, bread, and maybe some other frozen or prepackaged meals. Therefore enabling the future obese picky eater.

-People that eat meat but don’t want to kill an animal.

If I was king for the day my first rule would be for everyone who consumes meat to have to kill, clean, and cook an animal. Bet there’d be a lot less picky chicken nugget eaters.
you know, on that note and closely related

bow hunters, who have actually never killed a bull elk with a bow or rifle, constantly talking about the superiority of bow hunting and won't stoop to trying it with a rifle -- seems to be a relatively common attitude among younger colorado elk hunters i'm finding

People who knock something before they try it.
1. Country & Western Music - or whatever else you want to call that crap. It's like old people fornicate....slow and jerky! :giggle:

2. Those who fall all over themselves to get in line to buy a 6.5 Man-bun (Creedmoor) when the 6.5x55 Swede is every bit as good and was first made over 100 years ago in the 1890's. The ballistics are about the same for the two so in over 100 years there is not a bit of improvement over the Swede gem..

Before I go any further I need to advise everyone that David and I have been friends for a long time (-;

1. I resemble and resent those remarks----both points (-:

2. Thank you ---(-:
just in case you're assuming i'm knocking bow hunting i would want to clarify that is not the case

I was just taking your comment a step further, I was picking up what you were putting down.
My wife makes a homemade carrot cake from scratch that might change your mind on that.... Just sayin...

I dislike most standard birthday/sheet cakes, but carrot cake is usually good My mom also makes an apple coffee cake that is great.
My wife and I had apple and berry crisps with ice cream instead of cake at our wedding. Soooo much better.
I was just taking your comment a step further, I was picking up what you were putting down.

i figured as much, wanted to double check tho ;)

because i think i do to some degree i get accused by my friends of hating on bow hunting. they just misconstrue my hatred of their condescension for the actual act of hunting with a bow. it's like i'm sorry i know you've been hunting for 15 years and i've been hunting for 3 - i just take the advice from someone who has killed 1 elk in those 15 years with a grain of salt
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