PEAX Equipment

Painting my bathroom ceiling 🔨

Hmm… this sounds like the possible introduction of a new issue.

You should have gone skiing. Having broken the first of the Randy rules, “Thou shalt not be handy at home” it appears that your transgressions are going further.

Are the tarpaper and plywood cut back an inch or two from the ridge to allow the current ridge vent to vent properly.

There’s so many factor that can influence proper ventilation it’s difficult to know what might be going on without seeing it in person.

The moisture in the lights when it’s hot is throwing me for a loop.🤷‍♂️
Unfortunately I was born a poor white man and since I didn’t go to college the only way I’m able to afford hunting/skiing is by being handy.
Not that I’m actually handy, but I can rig some chit together.

Not sure on the tar paper, gonna have to do some more investigating...

As far as the lights in the globe and my issue with the bathroom paint peeling...
I basically don’t have any ventilation in my attic.
In the summer it gets hot and humid af up there and I think the lights/vent fan allow that humid air to come in where through the holes in the ceiling they’re connected to and that mixes with he a/c air and causes condensation.
In the summer if you stand on the toilet you can feel the hot humid air floating at the top of the ceiling.
I think i need attic vents.
The question is, am I better off cutting holes in the plywood of my roof and trying to install them myself or paying a roofer to come out and put an actual ridge vent in 🤷‍♂️

It’s a 950sqft rectangle, basically a trailer so you couldn’t really get and easier install for a ridge vent I wouldn’t think 🤷‍♂️
Unfortunately I was born a poor white man and since I didn’t go to college the only way I’m able to afford hunting/skiing is by being handy.
Not that I’m actually handy, but I can rig some chit together.

Not sure on the tar paper, gonna have to do some more investigating...

As far as the lights in the globe and my issue with the bathroom paint peeling...
I basically don’t have any ventilation in my attic.
In the summer it gets hot and humid af up there and I think the lights/vent fan allow that humid air to come in where through the holes in the ceiling they’re connected to and that mixes with he a/c air and causes condensation.
In the summer if you stand on the toilet you can feel the hot humid air floating at the top of the ceiling.
I think i need attic vents.
The question is, am I better off cutting holes in the plywood of my roof and trying to install them myself or paying a roofer to come out and put an actual ridge vent in 🤷‍♂️

It’s a 950sqft rectangle, basically a trailer so you couldn’t really get and easier install for a ridge vent I wouldn’t think 🤷‍♂️
Yes, you need attic venting ... big time. Soffit vents don't do anything if the warm air in your attic can't escape upwards. Do you have end gables? Add vents there if you don't have them. Make them bigger if you do. Also, check and make sure the soffit vents weren't plugged with insulation. Very common for them to get plugged when people upgrade attic insulation.
Curious as to why you didn't just remove the finial rather than masking around it? Ah ... bathroom. I forgot. Threads were rusted I'll bet.
Yeah, prob could’ve pb blasted it and broke it loose with vice grips, but I’m scared to break the globe and the vice grips would prob scour the chit out of the decorative metal.
I hear you, this is how my Covid year went...

Master bath has an ugly vanity, redo the whole thing!
Master closet needs new carpet, redo the whole thing!
Create master bath suite!
Move bathroom fixtures to old closet side so wife could have a window in the bathroom.
New plumbing requires tearing out basement ceiling below.
Since that part of the basement ceiling is torn out let's do the whole thing and insulate it.
Let's change the whole basement floorplan!
Wait..finish master bath: shower, toilet, vanity, 3 built-in cabinets, relocate attic access, closet, tile
Back to the basement.
Since the walls and drywall are torn up anyway, relocate the whole staircase, build new one from scratch!
Chip out all the tile in the basement.
Install cabinets for basement storage and wet bar.
New basement windows, and door.
New storage room, hooray!
Wait, basement bathroom is awful, redo that whole thing for the guests.
Wife wants shiplap!
Finish basement: drywall, trim, paint, carpet

Reading a post like this just provides me further evidence that my strategy of feigned incompetence has been paying dividends for years.