Paging Cushman..

This all started a couple of months ago when I had grand expectations of this fall's hunting. With a handfull of tags in Colorado, and an antelope tag in Wyoming, I went and bought a new freezer to stock with all of the upcoming carnage. Well, with archery and muzzleloader antelope seasons coming and going with nothing killed, plus 2 trips to Wyoming and getting chased out by weather, I decide to play damage control and grab a couple of deer tags for when I go home in December. I grabbed a regular season, muzzleloader, and late archery tags, plus 2 DMP doe tags and think I have it all set. What's the worst that could happen? 6 days to fill 5 tags...easy. My mom found me private land to hunt on, so I figured this is all but done. Well, between family commitments and a couple of chiropractor appointments, a photoshoot with my sister, and spending half a day dealing with the local VA trying to get some records I've been trying to get ahold of in Colorado, I spent a grand total of less than 10 hours hunting the 6 days and only saw 1 doe that was running and out of range. WTF??!! Good thing NY is cheap to hunt as a non resident and my 2 DMP tags are transferrable.....
This all started a couple of months ago when I had grand expectations of this fall's hunting. With a handfull of tags in Colorado, and an antelope tag in Wyoming, I went and bought a new freezer to stock with all of the upcoming carnage. Well, with archery and muzzleloader antelope seasons coming and going with nothing killed, plus 2 trips to Wyoming and getting chased out by weather, I decide to play damage control and grab a couple of deer tags for when I go home in December. I grabbed a regular season, muzzleloader, and late archery tags, plus 2 DMP doe tags and think I have it all set. What's the worst that could happen? 6 days to fill 5 tags...easy. My mom found me private land to hunt on, so I figured this is all but done. Well, between family commitments and a couple of chiropractor appointments, a photoshoot with my sister, and spending half a day dealing with the local VA trying to get some records I've been trying to get ahold of in Colorado, I spent a grand total of less than 10 hours hunting the 6 days and only saw 1 doe that was running and out of range. WTF??!! Good thing NY is cheap to hunt as a non resident and my 2 DMP tags are transferrable.....
NY? Is that a typo?
"So we were on our way hunting and got hungry so we stopped at Arby's for a beef and cheddar."...LOL
No Arby's you have to drive 30 minutes for that delicatessen from here in my huge town. We did dine on Pizza King pizzas the first night Cush arrived. He and Mrs. Redman drove 30 min to another fine eating establishment called White Castle and then they went to the local Corner Cafe for breakfast before his departure, unfortunately I didn't get to dine with them do to work..
So, with my tail tucked, I leave early Friday morning to head to Redman's. I get there around dinner time and drive up and down his street looking for his house since I couldn't see any numbers. He finally calls me and comes outside to meet me in front of his house. We get pizza that night that was awesome from a local place. Saturday morning starts out early. Mass amounts of coffee are consumed and I get my muzzleloader and pack in his truck. We get out to our hunting area just before daybreak. He says the deer don't start moving until around 9 AM. We are sitting in the ground blind and I made a cup of coffee and we are shooting the breeze when he points out and we see a buck right about the stroke of 9. I grunt at him, but he keeps on going. A few minutes later we are talking, not being quiet, and I'm drinking coffee and having a cigarette when I look out to the left of the blind and there's a friggin buck standing there like 40 yards away!! I put my coffee down and hand Joel my cigarette and grab my rifle and get a primer in it and BOOM...big puff of smoke and the buck runs off about 80 yards away and stands there a little wobbly. We both got a look at his right side and he was a nice 4 point on that side, but his left side looked broken off. I didn't care. I've never shot a branch antlered whitetail buck before. I take my cigarette back and we watch the buck and he finally drops and starts kicking for a minute and then lays there motionless. We sit there in the blind for probably a half hour all excited. A doe comes in from the right and stands there between a couple of trees, so I try to shoot her too, but she turns facing away and walks off into some heavy brush. We finally get out of the blind and go down to the buck. High 5's and pics and Joel guts him. We run back to the house to get the game cart while I text and message people. We get back and on the way to the buck with the cart he shoots a B&C squirrel. We load up the buck and get it back to the truck and to his house and up in the tree to hang. Come to find out, his left side wasn't broken off, it grew funny. Made me like him even more.


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Sunday I ended up waking up a bit late while Joel and Mrs Redman were at church. His truck was locked with my stuff in it, so I stayed put and drank coffee and took a shower. I was preparing myself for the upcoming dysfunctional family get together. They get back from church and we all kick in to start cooking and cleaning up as we go. Family starts to arrive and I stick to the kitchen cooking and doing dishes while Mrs Redman dealt with her family. Overall it went pretty good, but it was too late to get out to hunt for the day. I agreed to go to the candlelight service at their church that night and didn't burst into flames. Just for the record....Mrs Redman's lasagna is better than mine. Monday morning we're greeted with really low temperatures and high wind and spitting snow. I went out for a couple of hours in the morning, but didn't see anything. I got back to the house and changed my clothes and me and Mrs Redman went to White Castle. We stopped at the grocery store and I grabbed some beef steaks and fixings for dinner. After dinner Joel did a quick job of skinning and quartering and deboning my buck. Holy crap he was fast!! I get him loaded up in the cooler and we all go to bed. Wake up early the next morning to have coffee with Joel before he left for work. I got my truck loaded and me and Mrs Redman went for breakfast at the diner in town. I waited a while to see if I was going to end up having to poop and finally decided I wasn't going to, so I headed out towards Colorado. The drive back was uneventful and boring. I got home yesterday afternoon and my dogs went apeshit.

I can't thank @Redman enough for the invite and everything him and his family did for me while I was there. It was good to finally meet Mrs Redman after weeks of mass texting. I plan on stopping by in June when I swing back to NY for my summer visit. Hopefully I'll find myself in a ground blind with Joel again next fall.....
What a great season it has been! I was blessed to host at my home and share hunting camp with 3 bad ass hunting friends and veterans that sacrificed so much for us! SFC B, CPO, and Cush I can't begin to thank each of you for all you sacrificed for us! It is an honor and privilege to hunt with you and call you friends...more like family!
I only had Saturday to hunt with Cushman. I opted to leave my MZ at home so I could focus on getting Cush's tags filled besides I have 2 deer in the freezer and can still go out and hunt later. Cush loves his coffee and cigarettes. I told him no problem smoking in the ground blind. So I figured he packed a thermos of he REALLY loves his coffee, he brakes out his stove and makes fresh coffee right there in the blind🤣 I never thought of that here at home, do it all the time up in the mountains while glassing so why not start doing here! We told stories laughed as quietly as we could pretty much forgot we were hunting. Then while looking at Cush while talking I caught movement over his shoulder. It was a 1 1/2 year old buck with one side of his forked rack broken. I said "buck" right behind you! It became a rodeo inside the blind and by the time Cush got on him he was in the thick stuff. I told Cush to grunt at him to see if he might come back....nope he just disappeared. About 10 minutes later Cush says "Buck" I see him within spitting distance from the blind. Cush puts the primer in his MZ and I am focused on the buck which is now starring at our blind. BOOM I see the buck lunge side ways and take off dragging a front leg but then the smoke rolls in obstructing my view. You got him Cush, I exclaim! I get my binoculars out to see if I can see blood but the buck is facing away. I can see him from where I am setting but Cush can't. I can tell he is hit good and Cush reloads his MZ. He hands it to me to put another one in him but as soon as I get the cross hairs on him he takes a few sreps behind the trees. Cush now has eyes on him and says "He's down"! I am on cloud nine and we do all the hi five, ass slapping, dancing, and fist bumping stuff that we like to make fun of when others do it🤣
We decide to chill and see if we can fill gis doe tags. I look over and there is a doe just standing there...most likely in shock of what she saw happening in the blind. I ask Cush if he wants a doe. By the time he gets her in the scope she is walking through the thick stuff. She ends up picking up the pace and passes right in front of Cush's buck. We hang out in the blind for a bit then decide to go check out the buck. We take a few pictures (Cush doesn't care for photo shoots with him in it) field dress it and head for hime to get the game cart. On the walk out I was just about to let Cush know to look over the ridge because deer usually bed down there but before I could a big doe jumps up and takes off...dang fault I am still pumped about Cush's buck! We get back with the cart and I bring along the 20ga on the chance we have to protect ourselves from the fox squirrels. Sure enough there are two in one tree and I hurry over and let him have it before he pounced on one of us. I pointed out that the nuts on this boar squirrel were bigger than the ones on Cush's buck...Cush agreed and was a bit amazed...we both were envious of the squirrels gear🤣

Mrs. Redmon warned Cush that here side of the family would be coming for the family Christmas and tried to warn him in advance. I am so glad Cush was there to help me cook and clean up in the kitchen! Mrs. Redman sang in the Christmas service at our Church and Cush and I went together. I had to work the next couple of days that Cush would be here. Every morning we had coffee before I left then he and Mrs. Redman dined at local establishments. Cush bought NY strips and we grilled them on his last night. We boned out his buck while Mrs. Redmon was having a loud conversation with her son about getting his cranium out of his rectum...teenagers🙄 Tuesday came to fast we wished Cush could stay longer but he had to get back to his dog family. Which I should add we have a 6 month old doberman that is a tornado and has no regard for personal space and his name is Mojo. Mojo loves Cush and is a bit depressed now that he is gone. Our other dog Brenna didn't stand a chance with Mojo getting the attention...she is older and wiser and ignored Mojo's desire for attention 😉
So I did have to tell Cush not to ask a cashier at one of our local business for his sisters number. He stood about 3'4" so I just had to say something before Cush had to have a meeting with Andy and Barney up at the station!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

OK...I had to do it....chatgpt with the crazy info I put in came up with this....although not true, it's pretty darn funny.

In the quiet woods of Indiana, John and his hunting buddies embarked on their annual deer hunting expedition, the crisp autumn air signaling the arrival of the hunting season. The rustle of leaves underfoot and the distant call of woodland creatures accompanied their journey. However, the routine of the hunt took an unexpected turn during their midday break when, amidst the trees, they stumbled upon a lively group of stripper midgets showcasing their talents on brass poles. Laughter echoed through the forest as the hunters, initially taken aback, found themselves sharing a spontaneous and unforgettable moment with the performers, creating a unique chapter in their hunting escapades.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the group decided to recharge with a stop at White Castle for lunch, savoring sliders and fries to fuel their evening pursuits. The night concluded with a visit to a local diner, where the camaraderie of the day continued over plates of hearty comfort food. With the memories of an eventful day etched into the fabric of their camaraderie, John, the hunter from Colorado, bid farewell to his Indiana companions, carrying the laughter and unexpected twists of the day back home as he traveled to the Rocky Mountains, leaving behind a trail of stories that would be retold around campfires for seasons to come.
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