Packing out a buffalo???????


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
Anyone know of an easy way to pack out a buffalo? :eek:

Just got my buffalo hunt results from Wy. Game & Fish. I am #15 on the priorty list for a bull out of over 1500 applicants. ;) :)

I know Moosie likes to help pack out critters, so I may call him to help. ;)

Looking for volunteers, anyone want to volunteer?

Which caliber should I use? I am thinking my Marlin 45/70 with open sights. Just seems right and fitting for the occasion.
Congrats Bill!!

Pack a skillet and eat er' there! (Cast iron of course...Paws could email ya a couple of receipes...) ;)
good luck.. shoot it next to the road..... Good to see you get to hunt them down there are great Gov. shut the hunt down last year up here...Have a good time
My boss drew that tag a couple years ago, will you be hunting the early hunt or the late hunt?
Did Buzz get a #63? Hope they give you a call Buzz. Best of luck to ya. :)

Wyo, I will not know until they make the call. I will be ready for the call and luckily I am only a few miles from the hunting area. Hopefully they will call and I can get one from where I camp when I go for elk. Two years ago we had a buffalo in camp that we had to keep running off before it ran the horses off. :)
I believe the way it works if you draw a high enough number you will not even have to wait for the call. They just told my boss the start of his hunt and asked if he could make it and it was the last two weeks in November. The snow was very deep and we ended up getting his bull by Hatchet WY.
Good luck to both you guys. If you don't mind, how do you hunt them?...just curious.
A 45-70 will do the trick. We have clients who take them regularly with ML with no problems just so the yardages don't get out there too far. The hunter on the right was able to get in front of his buff as it was traveling and shot it at 12 yds. If your going to shoot them a ways out you may need more pop.

"This priority List shall remain valid from July 1, 2005 thru January 31, 2006. As a wild bison recreational hunting opportunity occurs, the Department shall notify you by mail ot telephone in the order of your priority ranking."
Hey, Elky, that's great! I would love to do that someday. As to your original question of getting them out, I can think of several options...large tractor, flatbed truck, airlift.... ;)
I believe the easiest way is to pay someone else to pack it out.. How about the guy with the horse that was dragging elk out when we were there? He'd need a couple of horses.. Or maybe you could just shoot on in the back yard.. Wait a minute, that's already been done.. Ok, back to the guy with the horses...

Good luck Elkhunter.. maybe LB will help you?? You think??????????

Well I have two suckers, I mean volunteers, lined up so far. If I can get it in camp where we had one two years ago, I may do my original plan and call a tow truck to drag it out and haul it to the processor. Think AAA will cover my towing?

Do you mean like this one from 3 weeks ago Dan?


Who knows, maybe another on will show up in the yard and I can take it like I did my bear two years ago. ;) :D

What would be the range needed for taking one with my 454 Casull?
Uhhhh...........with a rifle. :D

The bison hunt here is to control the bison herd in Grand Teton National Park. The lasdt # I heard, was the herd was like 750 buffalo. The hunt is on national forest lands only. Any bison within the park boundries or on the elk refuge can not be taken. They roam along the east side of the park and into the national forest. The number of permits issued is depandant on the size of the herd and how many have left the park. In January we sent in for the drawing for the buffalo priority list, for bull or cow buffalo. They randomly draw your name and #. In this case I was selected as #15 and Buzz #63. Later in the year, G&F will call or send by mail based on the # that you are. They send an orientation package to you and let you know the dates and location of the hunt. You must attend an orientation and take a shooting test. Once completed you are given a certificate and you take that to the G&F office along with the resident or non resident fee for buffalo.

If they can not reach you, they go onto the next person or #. If you do not make it to the orientation, the next person or # is notified.

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