Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Packing enough gun?

Be interesting to find out what gun and load she used. Also, where did she hit it at? Moose can plum ruin your day in short order.
I have to imagine from the story and the picture that the shooter missed... a lot.

That range with a .22lr with a full magazine, and reasonable shot placement, your going to kill the moose.
Bear spray works on most animals. I've encountered more times the need to point a bear spray canister at a moose than at bears...by a significant margin. Cow moose seem to have a particular "mean" streak. That being said most people that recreated in the winter won't be carrying bear spray so yeah if you're going to carry make sure it's a worthwhile option. Of course I say that most people are incapable of using a pistol under stress. I couldn't imagine trying to get a moose with a pistol while trying to get dogs freed from those stompy moose feet.
Bear spray works on most animals.
The only time I've used spray was on a mean Doberman that charged me as I was unpacking from a camping trip in high school. Luckily I still had my can on my belt. I've never seen an animal turn tail and run that fast. Gave me alot of confidence when carrying it in bear country after hearing that dogs angry barks turn to squeals 😃
Wonder what kind of gun she shot it with. Pistol I presume. I dont know if bear spray will work in those temperatures or not. I would be testing that theory before using it.
I saw something that said at 14*F is where bear spray freezes. It's been a few weeks since I've seen 14* in the Interior, not sure what the temps were like out that way. I'm also interested in what she was using and where it was hit.
I saw something that said at 14*F is where bear spray freezes. It's been a few weeks since I've seen 14* in the Interior, not sure what the temps were like out that way. I'm also interested in what she was using and where it was hit.

But when they tested the cans under a number of different cold temperatures, they found that it still worked at least down to -23 degrees Celsius. However, the sprays range did drop to about 4 meters at that temperature compared to its normal 10-meter range.
I just went back and found what I had read. It didn't freeze at 14*, it began losing effectiveness so probably in line with your article. 4 meters is a little close for me to an angry bullwinkle or cowwinkle.
Better than a pistol that misses, no?
A hit with bear spray is certainly more effective than a miss with a handgun. However, if you train with your handgun you should not be missing the vitals at the range she posted pictures from. Train with both and use what the situation dictates.
A hit with bear spray is certainly more effective than a miss with a handgun. However, if you train with your handgun you should not be missing the vitals at the range she posted pictures from. Train with both and use what the situation dictates.
No argument on training, but there is plenty of data showing this lady is not an outlier
A hit with bear spray is certainly more effective than a miss with a handgun. However, if you train with your handgun you should not be missing the vitals at the range she posted pictures from. Train with both and use what the situation dictates.
I disagree. There is a lot of adrenaline pumping at that point, and unless you train like a soldier or a police officer its pretty unreasonable to expect a musher to be able to make shots like that.

That's why spray will always get my vote in 99% of cases.
I disagree. There is a lot of adrenaline pumping at that point, and unless you train like a soldier or a police officer its pretty unreasonable to expect a musher to be able to make shots like that.

That's why spray will always get my vote in 99% of cases.
With that I agree. If you are using anything to defend your life you should be training with it like your life depends on it. Bear Spray is definitely easier to achieve an effective hit with for a novice.
The only time I've used spray was on a mean Doberman that charged me as I was unpacking from a camping trip in high school. Luckily I still had my can on my belt. I've never seen an animal turn tail and run that fast. Gave me alot of confidence when carrying it in bear country after hearing that dogs angry barks turn to squeals 😃
Hopefully you had enough spray left to give the dog's owner an accidental squirt or two. Doberman = shit breed.
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