Pack Rats

Whatever you do, don't sic your Jack Russel on to it otherwise you will be repairing wiring for days!

Put a tarp over the hood and seal it off to the ground and then run a hose from your exhaust back into the enclosure and start the truck?
I was going to do something similar to ground squirrels under our 6000 gal water tank. I don't think diesel fumes will do it though.
My wife is the designated exterminator. Her best has been 8 mice and a tree rat in a day. She has traps scattered around everywhere. Sometimes they come up missing which she contributed to frogs. Amazon delivered another dozen traps today.
She uses straight peanut butter.
Your wife is the designated exterminator? Dang pard….next time she sets her purse down you should go get your balls out of there. Joking!

I’ve had good luck with mice and peanut butter but not so much with pack rats.
A rabbit was living in my kid's Subaru engine compartment while she was away at school. Kept chewing the wiper washer fluid hose and I had to have it fixed TWICE. Tried some of that peppermint spray, no dice. Tried one of those sonic noise devices...opened the hood and the rabbit was sitting right next to it while it beeped, jamming out I guess. So much for that. It jumped out and ran a little ways and I shot it in the head with a pellet gun.

Lately we've had a turkey coming up on our deck and messing with my wife's potted plants. It sees its reflection in the sliding door and likes to take a shit on the deck to mark its territory. Whenever we see it, we yell at it and try to scare it so it will hang out somewhere else. Seemed to have worked, until...the other day I opened the hood of my Chevy Tahoe and lo and behold, there was a bunch of grass down in the engine and, get this--some turkey shit! )#$(*))@ got his revenge. He's going to get the pellet gun treatment if he shows his face around here again.
If you are new or missed this, it's a good reference. And there is a link to another earlier thread on the subject. Both are full of outstanding entertainment, and maybe bedtime stories for the kids.
We keep getting these posts and Big Fin is going to have to add a Vermin forum.

Your wife is the designated exterminator? Dang pard….next time she sets her purse down you should go get your balls out of there. Joking!

I’ve had good luck with mice and peanut butter but not so much with pack rats.
Really? You must be one of those macho guys that thinks they must take care of killing mice? Too funny.
Was in a Park Ranger meeting in the office. Deer mouse runs in and everyone is jumping onto tables and chairs screaming. 1 woman in the room.

I stomped it then smashed it with my fist.

Everyone freaked. My super said I have issues. I laughed in his face and left the room.
Faggots, I yelled.
I was transferred the next week to a better park and a better group of workers.

I hate rodents.
Really? You must be one of those macho guys that thinks they must take care of killing mice? Too funny.
No no. In my house whoever discovers the problem takes care of it. We don’t “designate” anyone. Also, if you are having to order mouse traps by the dozen, you have a problem!

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