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Pack out pics

I'm liking the nostalgic photos, but what is the name of sweet baby Jesus is going on in the second photo?
That is how we packed the head and horns out. It was extremely heavy, I left way to much elk on the neck…
12 years old and an all night black bear pack out. He still frowns about this one.
View attachment 237377
Frowns???? Why???? A dink???? Must be I don’t even see a bear in that pic. Whole thing fit in the pack???🤣🤣.

Awesome to be there at 12. Been hoping to get my girl on a pack out. She’s 12 this year and I want to show her the “embrace the suck”. Haha.

Love the photos. Thanks for sharing
Frowns???? Why???? A dink???? Must be I don’t even see a bear in that pic. Whole thing fit in the pack???🤣🤣.

Awesome to be there at 12. Been hoping to get my girl on a pack out. She’s 12 this year and I want to show her the “embrace the suck”. Haha.

Love the photos. Thanks for sharing
It was a nice big boar, 6’4” but 7 miles in and 10pm before the knife touched it made for a long night, then it started raining. And we did have the entire bear in the packs. I would not recommend doing that with kids if you want them to get excited to go hunting.
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Loving this thread, so I’ll tag in.
Taking a break and trying not to throw up because I’d worked myself up so much about the cliffs we were traversing. Apparently I don’t get along with heights as much as I did in my younger days.
I was crawling on my hands and knees along the top of the white cliff band, and we couldn’t go higher on the slope due to private land boundaries. Type 2 fun for sure.

Last load from a little bull a couple years ago


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