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OYOA Logo - Input please

Which image do you like best for OYOA logo gear?

  • Logo #1

    Votes: 7 5.9%
  • Logo #2

    Votes: 5 4.2%
  • Logo #3

    Votes: 12 10.2%
  • Logo #4

    Votes: 35 29.7%
  • Log #5

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • None - Start over Fin

    Votes: 56 47.5%

  • Total voters
Something kinda like this only better done is what I would suggest.

I could live with #2 or #5, but like some others have mentioned I don't see them as an improvement over your current logo. I love sheep and sheep hunting but tieing your logo to a "main" animal seems to limit what OYOA covers.

One idea I would have is there a way to incorporate more animal symbols into your original compass design? Possibly an elk rack as the arrow circling the compass and other horns or symbols as the different points of the compass?

OYOA is a concept that you've promoted very well and when l see the logo it translate to me as On My Own Adventures not On Your (someone else's) Own Adventures. I think most of us equate OYOA with ourselves and our own personal goals and experiences.

Just some rambling thoughts, I'd buy the hat and sticker with just about anything on it. Well maybe not.... I think I'd draw the line at a graphic of Dink Shooter's neighbor tiptoeing through the tulips. :)
I think mdhunter kinda hit it on the head. I can drive and do a oyo elk, whitetail, muledeer, antelope ect. ect... but for a sheep that screams "guide".

I like the idea of a set of elk horns straped on your back, shadowed out in the middle of the compass and I like what you have now.

that being said I like #1 the best.

Out of the avaliable options I like #4. With that said.....

I like the bighorn, but most hunters will never get the opportunity to hunt one. I would prefer an elk or better yet a big mulie (my personal bias may be showing with the mulie request). These animals are attainable to the average guy and are something they can do "on their own" The majority of your show is based around these two species. Just my two cents.
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Way to NOT pick a mule deer rack/skull...every other dipshit on tv uses that one, even them texas boys. I like the ram
I'm in the camp of those that wouldn't single out a single species. I understand the thought behind it but I think it's got more detractions than positives.

I like the tiny logo on the home page above the OYOA Members link.

That said, here's the version I made in 3 minutes...

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the guys are on track with the comments, IMO. Think you need a new artist/marketing person to make a logo more representative of OYO. UNLESS your wife made these, in which case I love them all and cannot decide.;)

#4 was best of the bunch presented.

The compass arrows, as drawn in #2, were the only ones that said 'compass' to me at a glance. the others, in the way they were used seemed more like abstract design elements than a 'compass'. Maybe that is just me, but the compass that seems to be a key and desired theme is getting lost in the translation.

Now you realize you are asking a bunch of red neck hunters for opinions on design, so you 'asked for it'. next up we can help your wife with home redecorating decisions! Post some fabric swatches for us. :D
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Why fix what is not broke? I voted none, but mostly because I've yet to experience sheep fever and like most have said...why single out a single animal. Could you incorporate two or three species into it?
None of the above, give them all to Eastmans. Something like the Fellow standing alone with the rack sticking out of his MR pack seems more like what I think of when you are "On your Own". John
While I like sheep, it really doesn’t say On Your Own. I prefer silhouette logos and they look cool on any article of clothing or as a decal. The detailed logos don’t come across as well IMO
I was back and forth between #2 and #4... I clicked 4... then thought...dang...I like 2...

I could have went with None of the Above also... None of them really clicked for me...
I agree with the comments about not having a species in the logo.

I like the one with the bow and the gun hunter that seems pretty all inclusive.

I think a silhouette of a guy with a pack on his back would look cool too.
I picked none of the above. I think keeping the animal out of the logo as MN Public Hunter states is a good idea. I say stick with what you currently have. Your ethics and sportsmanship speak for themselves, having a new fancy logo won't accomplish fact it might do the opposite. Stick with your current's what everyone is used to.
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