Owyhee County poaching case

This is just disgusting and in an area of Idaho that is near and dear to me! I cannot fathom the type of human garbage that thinks this is ok...Catch them and take their guns/trucks/UTVs and also hunting/fishing license for life!
I've got some info about this person: suspect is an absolute waste of air, food, and housing, whose height ranges betwee 2'6" and 9'5". Suspect is presumed armed and trogladytic, and likely already hated by people in their community.
With 3200-3400 two point hunters a year this is all too common.
This year Idaho has had two moose shot by people who thought they were shooting elk.
With 3200-3400 two point hunters a year this is all too common.
This year Idaho has had two moose shot by people who thought they were shooting elk.
I bet it’s more than 2. I know of one that took an arrow in the face
Missed the biggest bull of my life. I don't understand what happened I shoot a good pattern at 120 with field points 🤔
I'm not judging. I did miss a 360 bull at 12 yards once. I guess I was focused on the antlers, because my arrow whiffed right between them. :confused:
That Easton is still out there somewhere.

And then, there was "my" bull head in the back of a rifle hunter's truck at the old Silver Saddle bar on the evening of the rifle opener. Free drinks all around.
I put my head down and kept driving.
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With 3200-3400 two point hunters a year this is all too common.
This year Idaho has had two moose shot by people who thought they were shooting elk.
Back in my first life, in Kalifornia, I was once hunting on a military base for hogs and Columbia Blacktail.
The same day a guy from a city whose initials are the same as those of the state of Louisiana shot a protected Tule Elk bull. His bullet passed through and killed the cow standing behind it. His defense was that he thought it was a Blacktail.

If they let me move to Idaho 30 years ago, he probably has by now, too.
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