Outside Article on RMEF and Public Lands

Good article and goes far to illustrate the impact of groups like RMEF have on public access. Wish they would have mentioned other hunting groups like NWTF, DU, FNAWS, etc.

Also wish the article would have mentioned funding sources like private donations and banquet income (from hunters) and also brought up Pittman-Robertson and Dingell-Johnson AND THEN asked the question about whether or not other users (hikers, mountain bikers, bird watchers, nature lovers, etc) have a monetary stake in the game as well.
I'm with Focus on private donations from hikers,mountain bikers etc. As a member of RMEF we all have a stake in conservation efforts for all outdoor enthusiasts.
RMEF, well over 1 million acres conserved. Their groundbreaking efforts in assisting agencies with purchases of key parcels that allow access to blocked public lands have changed the story of public lands. They have restored elk to states far east of the Mississippi. Bugle magazine is worth waiting 2 months for. Please consider joining us as a member, even if elk are low on your list.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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