Outfitters, WHY do we (you) need 'Em?

how hard is it to hunt Indian res down there ?

It is very controlled up here and a guide is always required. We also have animal guide requirements. i.e. you hire an outfitter to take you on a Polar Bear hunt and he is required to hire an Indian to assist on the hunt.

I am not up to speed on "moms basement" I can usually follow the jokes you guys post, but this one ---?

I think we kinda collectively decided that Mr. huntHARDer is a troll who hangs out in his moms basement :)
I always like doing my own thing, so I prefer to hunt unguided, but I’ve thought about arranging with an outfitter to pack out an elk on one of my out of state elk hunts to allow me to shoot one farther from the truck than I otherwise would if I found a willing outfitter. Has anyone ever done this or looked into it?

What you’re gonna want to do is rent some llamas.

What you’re gonna want to do is rent some llamas.
But some think they might sneeze and kill all of the sheep in the backcountry... What's a dude to do?
I've been on 3 guided hunts, across I think 15 years, far from money falling out of our butt. As an Easterner I always was fascinated by elk. But raising a family takes money and precious vacation time. No chance , yes due to choices, to spend every year in the elk mou rains but always so.ething I dreamed of. With a great wife I went 3 times across those 15 years. Even got an elk with my bow.

Now I'm done raising a family and that same awesome wife and I live in WY so we hunt all the time

Outfitters have their place
My only problem with outfiffers is in Wyoming when they locked NonResidents out of Wilderness Areas total BS I can hunt in any other State's Wilderness Areas but Wyoming because the Guides and Outfitters lobbied the State Legslature saying it was to dangerous more BS. They just wanted it for there business.
Yes the Guides and Outfitters in Wyoming that did this can kiss my ... The ones who did not participate in it have my respect.
Access to public lands should be equal for all Americans Period. IMHO
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