Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Outfitter's claim fraud in initiative signature collection...

I'm all for paying $70 more to give residents more economic clout. Let me guess - this initiative will result in happiness and fairness for all, and even open private land access like I-161. FWP will do an economic analysis - which will probably require five committees and lengthy review process per SB255.

It would put all Non residents on level ground. There would be less leasing by out of state hunters, More importantly, less game would be taken. It was at this number back in the 80's I believe. The Outfitters decided that they need just 5,000 more tags and that would be enough. Then they said that they needed OSL, and that would be enough. Then they said that they needed 4600 Deer combo's and that would be enough, then the landowners needed another 2,000 tags and that would be enough. Then this session,and on and on and on.
IMO, if an outiftter was skilled enough they wouldn't have to lease land to hunt on. I'm just saying.....
My aunt went with an outfitter this last fall into the bob. They came out with nothing, that was on the same weekend my cousin and i killed our bulls.
On a side note: you can save hundreds by switching to Geico. And use that savings towards gas this season.True statement, a little green lizard told me.

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